The Newsweek poll taken after the convention echoes Time’s numbers: an eleven point lead for the President in a three-way race. Here’s why:
In comparing the two presidential candidates, more registered voters think President Bush has strong leadership qualities than Kerry (65% vs. 47%), is more honest and ethical (62% vs. 47%), says what he believes and not just what people want to hear (66% vs. 42%), would trust him to make the right decisions during an international crisis (57% vs. 44%), shares their values (54% vs. 42%), and is personally likeable (67% vs. 59%). In addition, more registered voters think President Bush would do a better job than Sen. Kerry on various issues: terrorism and homeland security (60% vs. 32%), the situation in Iraq (55% vs. 37%), foreign policy (54% vs. 38%), taxes (52% vs. 38%), economy (49% vs. 43%), education (48% vs. 42%), and gay marriage (44% vs. 36%). More people say Sen. Kerry would do a better job than President Bush on healthcare, including Medicare (45% vs. 43%) and the environment (50% vs. 36%).
People just don’t trust John Kerry, and “I’m not Bush” isn’t enough for most of us.
Link via PoliPundit.
note: 1,008 people polled.
-20 Republican States polled,
-12 Democratic states polled, and
-12 of the 18 “swing” states carried Bush in 2000. what a sample.