Monitoring Air America Radio monitors Air America so you don’t have to. They linked one of my posts on Al Franken’s lies, showing their good taste and discrimination. I had intended to make Al Franken’s Lies of the Day a regular feature, but it’s too boring because he tells the same lies over and over. This week it’s … Continue reading “Monitoring Air America Radio” monitors Air America so you don’t have to. They linked one of my posts on Al Franken’s lies, showing their good taste and discrimination.

I had intended to make Al Franken’s Lies of the Day a regular feature, but it’s too boring because he tells the same lies over and over. This week it’s been the filibuster lie every day (“the filibuster has always been used like the Democrats are using it now against judges – the Founding Fathers intended it to be used to stifle the will of the majority, blah blah blah.”)

We did finally catch Franken on a different (if not exactly new) lie today: the Administration (and Rush Limbaugh) duped the people about Saddam’s WMDs. Saddam never had WMDs but Bush/Rush made up this story to justify grabbing his oil, yada yada yada. I have just one thing to say about this: tell it to the Kurds whose gassing was one of the reasons that both the US and the UK called for Saddam’s removal throughout the 90s.

Remember the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998? Franken doesn’t.

One thought on “Monitoring Air America Radio”

  1. You can catch more Franken lies at Skorski has a new book , due out this fall, Pants on Fire: How Al Franken Lies, Smears, and Deceives (WND, publisher)

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