A competent face wins elections

National Geographic news reports a shocking new study of voter preference: First impressions count, especially in politics. New research suggests many U.S. voters cast their ballots based on their first impressions of a political candidate’s face… Researchers tested voters’ snap judgments about the political candidates. Attractiveness, honesty, and likeability were measured, but the trait that … Continue reading “A competent face wins elections”

National Geographic news reports a shocking new study of voter preference:

First impressions count, especially in politics. New research suggests many U.S. voters cast their ballots based on their first impressions of a political candidate’s face…

Researchers tested voters’ snap judgments about the political candidates. Attractiveness, honesty, and likeability were measured, but the trait that stood out for voters was a candidate’s competence.

This obviously explains W’s election triumphs.

2 thoughts on “A competent face wins elections”

  1. LOL! Did you read the rest of the article?

    Political analyst Larry Sabato, who directs the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics in Charlottesville, said he wasn’t terribly surprised to hear the results of the study.

    “We’re in the age of TV where people judge others based on how they come across on the tube,” he said.

    “I’d encourage everyone to try the ‘face book’ test. Get a face book of Congress from 50 years ago and compare it with one of today’s face books,” he said. “You’ll find that Congress has been taken over by people who resemble news anchors and game show hosts.”

    Ah, yes, we’ve elected a game show host as President.


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