Retaliation for East Timor

The liberation of East Timor from Indonesia was Noam Chomsky’s pet issue for many years. It’s clear to people familiar with that issue that it was a major irritant to Southeast Asia’s Muslim fanatics, and a root cause of the Bali bombings, among other atrocities. Yet journalists of the “who am I to judge” school … Continue reading “Retaliation for East Timor”

The liberation of East Timor from Indonesia was Noam Chomsky’s pet issue for many years. It’s clear to people familiar with that issue that it was a major irritant to Southeast Asia’s Muslim fanatics, and a root cause of the Bali bombings, among other atrocities. Yet journalists of the “who am I to judge” school forget this, so people like Australian prime minister John Howard have to educate them:

Can I remind you that the murder of 88 Australians in Bali took place before the operation in Iraq.

And I remind you that the 11th of September occurred before the operation in Iraq.

Can I also remind you that the very first occasion that bin Laden specifically referred to Australia was in the context of Australia’s involvement in liberating the people of East Timor. Are people by implication suggesting we shouldn’t have done that?

When a group claimed responsibility on the website for the attacks on the 7th of July, they talked about British policy not just in Iraq, but in Afghanistan. Are people suggesting we shouldn’t be in Afghanistan?

When Sergio de Mello was murdered in Iraq — a brave man, a distinguished international diplomat, a person immensely respected for his work in the United Nations — when al Qaeda gloated about that, they referred specifically to the role that de Mello had carried out in East Timor because he was the United Nations administrator in East Timor.

Jeff Jarvis opined recently that he thinks Chomsky sincere. I think his flip-flop in East Timor proves that he’s not. The terrorists who attacked us on 9/11 and 7/7 were not retaliating for the liberation of Iraq.

See the full transcript of Howard and Blair’s press conference here. The good part is toward the end.

Ginsburg precedent

You can be sure that Schumer and his fellow hack Dick Durban won’t be as nice to Judge Roberts the Democrats were to Justice Ginsburg.

You can be sure that Schumer and his fellow hack Dick Durban won’t be as nice to Judge Roberts the Democrats were to Justice Ginsburg.

This time it was a dud

Here we go again: Terrified passengers were evacuated from parts of London’s transport system today after incidents involving explosives at three underground stations and a bus. The explosions were attempts to kill that had failed, the Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, said tonight. Two small blasts occurred on tube trains: one near Warren Street … Continue reading “This time it was a dud”

Here we go again:

Terrified passengers were evacuated from parts of London’s transport system today after incidents involving explosives at three underground stations and a bus.

The explosions were attempts to kill that had failed, the Metropolitan police commissioner, Sir Ian Blair, said tonight.

Two small blasts occurred on tube trains: one near Warren Street station in central London, and the other on a tube train near Oval station in south London.

A third small explosion was reported on a No 26 bus in Shoreditch, east London.

A suspect package was also found at Shepherd’s Bush station in west London.

One woman was reportedly injured at Warren Street, but there were no reports of casualties during the other incidents, which happened shortly before 1pm.

Sir Ian said tonight: “The intention must have been to kill.”

But he added: “The intention of the terrorists has not been fulfilled.”

Or maybe not, since these terrorists couldn’t pull it off. But this is a really bad sign because it probably signals a copy-cat bombing attempt that will be followed by others.

Litmus test

Here’s how you can identify the deranged partisans of the Left: the day after a Supreme Court nomination is made, they’re still whining about Karl Rove and acting like nothing else has happened in the world. Today I tuned in to Air Anti-America and heard the Democratic Party’s nominee for Norm Coleman’s Senate seat, Al … Continue reading “Litmus test”

Here’s how you can identify the deranged partisans of the Left: the day after a Supreme Court nomination is made, they’re still whining about Karl Rove and acting like nothing else has happened in the world. Today I tuned in to Air Anti-America and heard the Democratic Party’s nominee for Norm Coleman’s Senate seat, Al Franken, talking to Lyin’ Joe Wilson and David (Troopergate) Brock about Valerie Plame.

Some people are perfectly oblivious to reality.

A great American does her job

My cat Fluffy likes Ann Coulter. He’s a big bird-eater, and she looks like a sparrow to him, so whenever she comes on the TV he gets real hungry, chows down, and goes to sleep. Fluffy’s very pleased with Ann’s attack on this Judge Roberts dude, who apparently doesn’t collect Hitler memorabilia or make his … Continue reading “A great American does her job”

My cat Fluffy likes Ann Coulter. He’s a big bird-eater, and she looks like a sparrow to him, so whenever she comes on the TV he gets real hungry, chows down, and goes to sleep. Fluffy’s very pleased with Ann’s attack on this Judge Roberts dude, who apparently doesn’t collect Hitler memorabilia or make his kids address him as Mein Fuehrer:

Apparently, Roberts decided early on that he wanted to be on the Supreme Court and that the way to do that was not to express a personal opinion on anything to anybody ever. It’s as if he is from some space alien sleeper cell. Maybe the space aliens are trying to help us, but I wish we knew that.

If the Senate were in Democrat hands, Roberts would be perfect. But why on earth would Bush waste a nomination on a person who is a complete blank slate when we have a majority in the Senate!

We also have a majority in the House, state legislatures, state governorships, and have won five of the last seven presidential elections — seven of the last ten!

We’re the Harlem Globetrotters now – why do we have to play the Washington Generals every week?

She’s wrong in her comparison to Souter, of course; these comments make him look much more like the highly-ambitious Anthony Kennedy, but her opposition can only help him with the Senate, much like that of

Fluffy is glad that everyone knows their job and is endeavoring to do it well.

HT Roger Simon

China’s stealth war on the U.S.

See this on America’s greatest enemy: In 1998, an official People’s Liberation Army publishing house brought out a treatise called “Unrestricted Warfare,” written by two senior army colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. This book, which is available in English translation, is well known to the U.S. national security establishment but remains practically unheard of … Continue reading “China’s stealth war on the U.S.”

See this on America’s greatest enemy:

In 1998, an official People’s Liberation Army publishing house brought out a treatise called “Unrestricted Warfare,” written by two senior army colonels, Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui. This book, which is available in English translation, is well known to the U.S. national security establishment but remains practically unheard of among the general public.

“Unrestricted Warfare” recognizes that it is practically impossible to challenge the U.S. on its own terms. No one else can afford to build mega-expensive weapons systems like the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, which will cost more than $200 billion to develop. “The way to extricate oneself from this predicament,” the authors write, “is to develop a different approach.”

Their different approaches include financial warfare (subverting banking systems and stock markets), drug warfare (attacking the fabric of society by flooding it with illicit drugs), psychological and media warfare (manipulating perceptions to break down enemy will), international law warfare (blocking enemy actions using multinational organizations), resource warfare (seizing control of vital natural resources), even ecological warfare (creating man-made earthquakes or other natural disasters).

Cols. Qiao and Wang write approvingly of Al Qaeda, Colombian drug lords and computer hackers who operate outside the “bandwidths understood by the American military.” They envision a scenario in which a “network attack against the enemy” � clearly a red, white and blue enemy � would be carried out “so that the civilian electricity network, traffic dispatching network, financial transaction network, telephone communications network and mass media network are completely paralyzed,” leading to “social panic, street riots and a political crisis.” Only then would conventional military force be deployed “until the enemy is forced to sign a dishonorable peace treaty.”

It’s about time we started taking the China threat seriously. China is a fascist state that’s out to dominate the world, and we can’t let that happen.

HT Instapundit. The boy who cried wolf

The nation’s left knee didn’t take long to start jerking. Here’s what the professional hysterics at Moveon. org want you to do: In nominating John Roberts, the president has chosen a right wing corporate lawyer and ideologue for the nation’s highest court instead of a judge who would protect the rights of the American people. … Continue reading “ The boy who cried wolf”

The nation’s left knee didn’t take long to start jerking. Here’s what the professional hysterics at Moveon. org want you to do:

In nominating John Roberts, the president has chosen a right wing corporate lawyer and ideologue for the nation’s highest court instead of a judge who would protect the rights of the American people. Working for mining companies, Roberts opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip-mine mountaintops. He worked with Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr), and tried to keep Congress from defending the Voting Rights Act. He wrote that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,” and as a lawyer argued (and won) the case that stopped some doctors from even discussing abortion. That’s why we believe: “The Senate must not confirm right-wing corporate lawyer John Roberts to the Supreme Court.”

Clue: You can’t judge a man’s judicial philosophy by the arguments he made for his clients as an advocate. In the case of the Roe v. Wade comments, that client was the US government, representative of all of us, including the Berkeley hippies that run Moveon.

If Bush was to nominate somebody really bad, the arguments would be the same and nobody would pay any attention. Perhaps that’s why Bush put up Roberts, to flush these peckerwoods out.

Lessig’s new suit

John Dvorak speaks truth to power: Will someone explain to me the benefits of a trendy system developed by Professor Lawrence Lessig of Stanford? Dubbed Creative Commons, this system is some sort of secondary copyright license that, as far as I can tell, does absolutely nothing but threaten the already tenuous “fair use” provisos of … Continue reading “Lessig’s new suit”

John Dvorak speaks truth to power:

Will someone explain to me the benefits of a trendy system developed by Professor Lawrence Lessig of Stanford? Dubbed Creative Commons, this system is some sort of secondary copyright license that, as far as I can tell, does absolutely nothing but threaten the already tenuous “fair use” provisos of existing copyright law. This is one of the dumbest initiatives ever put forth by the tech community. I mean seriously dumb. Eye-rolling dumb on the same scale as believing the Emperor is wearing fabulous new clothes.

His assessment of CC is actually quite charitable.

Some Dems Praise Pick

Maybe this gets done without a filibuster, since Holy Joe of Gang of 14 fame is down: Another member of the “Gang of 14”, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (search), D-Conn., told the Hartford Courant last Thursday that Roberts would be one of three picks he thought would not spark a talk-a-thon, or a filibuster. The less … Continue reading “Some Dems Praise Pick”

Maybe this gets done without a filibuster, since Holy Joe of Gang of 14 fame is down:

Another member of the “Gang of 14”, Sen. Joseph Lieberman (search), D-Conn., told the Hartford Courant last Thursday that Roberts would be one of three picks he thought would not spark a talk-a-thon, or a filibuster.

The less time I have to see Ralph Neas’ hair plugs on TV the better.