Not Impressed By Barack Obama

Seth Finkelstein explains it all: I am not impressed by Barack Obama. Yes, he makes nice speeches. Yes, he’s anti-war. That’s great. I don’t hate him. He’s a good guy for a Presidential candidate. However, I feel no great inspiration, and there’s a lot of ways he seems to me to be an inferior candidate … Continue reading “Not Impressed By Barack Obama”

Seth Finkelstein explains it all:

I am not impressed by Barack Obama.

Yes, he makes nice speeches. Yes, he’s anti-war. That’s great. I don’t hate him. He’s a good guy for a Presidential candidate. However, I feel no great inspiration, and there’s a lot of ways he seems to me to be an inferior candidate to Hillary Clinton. He’s a lightweight in terms of track record, with no experience in dealing with all the mud that can be thrown at a Democrat by the Republican campaign apparatus.

These days, when someone makes an emotionally appealing speech to me, my guard goes up and I start considering how they might be trying to take advantage of me.

That’s pretty much my take. Hillary is, let’s face it, stronger all the way around than Obama. It was a tad worrying that her husband was doing so much damage to her campaign recently, but she’s reined him in, which is no small feat. Obama is doing the same tired old emotional populist appeal that Edwards has been doing forever, it’s just not credible.

Experience counts.

Super-Duper Tuesday

It seems to have turned out well for McCain, and not so well for the others. I’d like to see a Clinton-McCain contest in November, because it would be more a contest of ideas than of emotion. I may not get my wish.

It seems to have turned out well for McCain, and not so well for the others. I’d like to see a Clinton-McCain contest in November, because it would be more a contest of ideas than of emotion. I may not get my wish.

Google takes the wrath of Fake Steve Jobs

Brilliance on Google’s crocodile tears about Microsoft’s takeover of Yahoo! from The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: This is Google’s favorite song. They sing it whenever they want to get their way. Whether the issue is net neutrality, or the bid for wireless spectrum, or now this — these guys do their best Eddie Haskell … Continue reading “Google takes the wrath of Fake Steve Jobs”

Brilliance on Google’s crocodile tears about Microsoft’s takeover of Yahoo! from The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs:

This is Google’s favorite song. They sing it whenever they want to get their way. Whether the issue is net neutrality, or the bid for wireless spectrum, or now this — these guys do their best Eddie Haskell impersonation and look everyone straight in the eye and say it’s not that they’re concerned about their stock price or their revenue growth, it’s that they’re concerned about users, because gee whiz these evil guys who are opposing our efforts could really mess things up for everyone. The Google guys are the good guys, see? They’re the ones who put the needs of Internet users first. The amazing thing to me is that so many people believe this bullshit.

Ahem and indeed.