My son the fanatic

Sepia Mutiny, a blog for second-generation Indo-Americans, is pretty anguished over the identity of the London terrorists. Here’s a bit of analysis: When I was a child my mother told me a story that her mother had told her. I can only re-tell the story as it was told to me: Once when mami was … Continue reading “My son the fanatic”

Sepia Mutiny, a blog for second-generation Indo-Americans, is pretty anguished over the identity of the London terrorists. Here’s a bit of analysis:

When I was a child my mother told me a story that her mother had told her. I can only re-tell the story as it was told to me:

Once when mami was young she was at a train station. There was a strange man there who simply looked at her and hypnotized her. The man was a Fakir. She followed him unable to control herself as he led her away. Fakir’s have magical powers. Really Abhi (I was shaking my head in disbelief). They are Muslim and they kidnap and convert you to Islam. Luckily the family got her back before she walked too far off. She didn’t remember anything that happened afterward and said she couldn’t control herself. A Fakir can just look at you and you’ll forget everything, your whole life.

Now bear in mind that my family is from Gujarat, where bigotry has persisted for generations. My mom is not a bigot but she believed (and still does) that a Fakir has mystical powers that can brainwash a normal person and get them to walk away from their life and convert to Islam (even though not all Fakirs are Muslim and the Sufi order is the least fundamental). I actually asked her to tell me this story again when I went home just last month.

Most of us know at least one person that is a “born-again” into some religion. Various things motivate these people. Many of them (like at least one of these bombers) were described as being out-of-control before their conversion (or re-discovery of their family religion). Others feel overwhelmed by the influence of the world they live in and retreat back to a basic set of instructions that they think will bring order to the chaos they feel. Some take this “order” too far by trying to impose their interpretation of that order on others. Most born-agains however are perfectly sane and choose to practice their new beliefs in private without a harmful thought toward anyone. How do we recognize in our second generation peers which path they have chosen to walk?

Commenters note that the fanaticism evinced in the terror bombings is more commonly Islamic than Hindu.

London suicide bombers

They were all second-generation Pakistani-Brits, and didn’t fit the profile that we generally associate with West-hating religious nuts. They were educated and into sports: Shehzad Tanweer, 22, was an outwardly ordinary young British man, a university graduate who studied sports science and loved cricket and football. and employed in the caring professions: Like Tanweer, Khan … Continue reading “London suicide bombers”

They were all second-generation Pakistani-Brits, and didn’t fit the profile that we generally associate with West-hating religious nuts. They were educated and into sports:

Shehzad Tanweer, 22, was an outwardly ordinary young British man, a university graduate who studied sports science and loved cricket and football.

and employed in the caring professions:

Like Tanweer, Khan seemed an unlikely suicide bomber. Friends said he was married with an eight-month-old baby girl and that he worked with disabled children in a primary school.

but very religious anyhow:

Hussain lived with his parents and neighbours said he had become “very religious” two years ago.

I would hope that their mosque is heavily investigated.

A revisionist theory is floating around to the effect that suicide terror isn’t about religion but some sort of reaction to American occupation. This is a load of bunk, of course. The USA has had troops in Germany for 60 years and the Germans haven’t sent us any suicide bombers. Let’s get real, OK?

Juan Cole, of course, said this about the terrorist bombers: “…this bombing could not have emanated from the British Muslim community.” What a genius.

But he’s changed his tune

Legislators in democratic societies who are thinking about how to respond to this problem should give serious thought to RICO-like laws that could be used to curb religious cults, which typically isolate members, indoctrinate them, manipulate them, and sometimes coerce them. Cults avoid scrutiny by harassing critics and whistleblowers, often in ways that police find it difficult to respond to. The enormous problems modern societies have had with groups like Christian Identity, the Koreishites, Aum Shinrikyo, and now al-Qaeda, suggests that current legal frameworks are inadequate to address this problem. Ex-members, victims and critics of cults need a legal basis for protection from the cults. The American Family Foundation is doing excellent work in this regard.

Cole is fundamentally correct, and I agree with his prescription completely. We can’t allow destructive cults to operate freely under “freedom of religion” protection when they’re functionally the same as organized crime. Sorry, Tom Cruise, but you’re busted.

Compulsive gambling linked to drugs

Parkinson’s drugs can mess you up big time: Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have found that certain drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease can cause patients to become addicted to gambling. The drugs, called dopamine agonists, also have been found to boost patients’ appetites for sex, food, and alcohol. “This is a … Continue reading “Compulsive gambling linked to drugs”

Parkinson’s drugs can mess you up big time:

Scientists at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have found that certain drugs used to treat Parkinson’s disease can cause patients to become addicted to gambling. The drugs, called dopamine agonists, also have been found to boost patients’ appetites for sex, food, and alcohol.

“This is a striking effect,” said J. Eric Ahlskog, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic. “Pathological gambling induced by a drug is really quite unusual.”

In one case, a 54-year-old married pastor gambled daily at the local casino, hiding his losses from his wife.

In another, a 41-year-old computer programmer who had never gambled in his life became “consumed” with Internet gambling.

In a third, a 68-year-old man with no history of gambling lost more than U.S. $200,000 at casinos over a six-month period.

I wonder if that’s this guy’s problem, or this guy’s, or this ones; this guy for sure.

Dangerrrr: cats could alter your personality

Uh-oh: THEY may look like lovable pets but Britain’s estimated 9m domestic cats are being blamed by scientists for infecting up to half the population with a parasite that can alter people’s personalities. The startling figures emerge from studies into toxoplasma gondii, a parasite carried by almost all the country’s feline population. They show that … Continue reading “Dangerrrr: cats could alter your personality”


THEY may look like lovable pets but Britain’s estimated 9m domestic cats are being blamed by scientists for infecting up to half the population with a parasite that can alter people’s personalities.

The startling figures emerge from studies into toxoplasma gondii, a parasite carried by almost all the country’s feline population. They show that half of Britain’s human population carry the parasite in their brains, and that infected people may undergo slow but crucial changes in their behaviour.

Infected men, suggests one new study, tend to become more aggressive, scruffy, antisocial and are less attractive. Women, on the other hand, appear to exhibit the “sex kitten” effect, becoming less trustworthy, more desirable, fun-loving and possibly more promiscuous.

Interestingly, for those who draw glib conclusions about national stereotypes, the number of people infected in France is much higher than in the UK.

Time to kill the damn cat.

Innocent of all charges

It strikes me that the calls for the prosecution and/or firing of Karl Rove are a bit premature. At most, we have reason to believe that Rove may have committed a technical violation of a law regarding covert agents, not a substantial one, by mentioning that Joe Wilson’s wife was a CIA employee. It’s certainly … Continue reading “Innocent of all charges”

It strikes me that the calls for the prosecution and/or firing of Karl Rove are a bit premature. At most, we have reason to believe that Rove may have committed a technical violation of a law regarding covert agents, not a substantial one, by mentioning that Joe Wilson’s wife was a CIA employee.

It’s certainly not clear that Rove knew that Plame had at one time been in covert ops, or that he made the connection between her and her husband in order to damage her career in any way. And it’s not even clear that Rove technically violated the law, as Plame was a desk-jockey at the time of Rove’s converstations with Matt Cooper and Rove apparently didn’t know of her former role as a covert agent.

So once again, our conspiratorial friends have failed to deliver the goods after attributing nefarious motives and dire consequences* to Rove. Rather than seeking retaliation against Plame, Rove was simply trying to cut Wilson down to size in the face of claims that Cheney selected him for the mission that confirmed Saddam’s attempts to buy uranium in Niger.

(*On Air Anti-America, RFK Jr. claimed that at least one agent was killed as a result of Plame’s blown cover.)

Let’s review

There are two major theories about the roots of Jihadi terrorism. One theory, subscribed to by the anti-American left, holds that jihadis are mainly upset about US foreign policy choices such as support for the continued existence of Israel and the Jewish people generally, rejection of the Kyoto Treaty, historic support for anti-democratic regimes in … Continue reading “Let’s review”

There are two major theories about the roots of Jihadi terrorism. One theory, subscribed to by the anti-American left, holds that jihadis are mainly upset about US foreign policy choices such as support for the continued existence of Israel and the Jewish people generally, rejection of the Kyoto Treaty, historic support for anti-democratic regimes in the Islamic world, stationing troops in Saudi Arabia, and for generally being a capitalistic, imperialist entity that exploits Third World people and prevents the emergence of the ideal Socialist Utopia.

The other point of view (held by Neo-Cons and others) holds that religiously-based terrorism arises in the Middle East because the economies and social structures of ME nations don’t provide anything like full employment for young men, village life is crumbing, there is a massive flight to the cities by unemployed young men without roots or affiliations in the cities, and there’s an enormous jealousy of the West where standards of living are higher, morals are looser, women have rights, etc. According to this view, the young jihadis join together at the mosques since they’re without family or friends, where they’re lead by members of professional-class families who were educated in the West where they were radicalized in mosques run by mullahs who blame the sad condition of ME societies on Zionists and Crusaders who keep the Muslim down. The children of the professional class and the villagers share the same dilemma: they can’t find work, and without it they’re unable to marry.

Peaceniks propose to win the war on terror by appeasement, often proposing the notion that simply accelerating the two-state solution and driving more hybrid cars will do it. Critics maintain that appeasement implies the extermination of the Jewish people (or at least the destruction of Israel), the elimination of women’s rights in the West, mass conversion of Christians to Islam, and the imposition of Sharia Law on the West. Proponents of development, especially the Neo-Cons, propose to inject market dynamics into the ME and to replace autocratic political structures with representative government. Their opponents accuse them of seeking simply to line Halliburton’s pockets with lucrative oil contracts.

Of course, nobody knows which side is right as we don’t really have the data one way or another to conclusively disprove either theory. But supposing that the Neo-Cons are wrong and spreading liberal democracy to the ME doesn’t reduce terrorism, at least we’ve exported our best values and improved some lives a bit. If the other side is wrong, we’ve destroyed the basis of our civilization for nothing.

It’s not a hard choice, really, and you don’t have to worry about flypaper theories or WMDs to decide where you stand.

Blaming us for their own failure

Victor Davis Hansen explains the jihadis’ motivation: Autocratic regimes, statist economies, gender apartheid, corruption, the absence of a free press — all that and more retard economic growth from the Gulf to Morocco. In response, theocratic regimes like the Taliban and the Iranian mullocracy blame the West for their own self-inflicted misery and inadequacies. But … Continue reading “Blaming us for their own failure”

Victor Davis Hansen explains the jihadis’ motivation:

Autocratic regimes, statist economies, gender apartheid, corruption, the absence of a free press — all that and more retard economic growth from the Gulf to Morocco. In response, theocratic regimes like the Taliban and the Iranian mullocracy blame the West for their own self-inflicted misery and inadequacies. But more often, clever dictators such as a Baathist Saddam, the Saudi Royal family, an Egyptian kleptocracy, or the Pakistani military regime allow Islamicists some rein, if not covert support, to deflect blame from their own failures onto the United States and the “Jews.”

A shamed Islamic street — ill-housed, ill-fed, and ill-informed — is nourished on the mythology that a purer creed and a return to the 8th century alone can reclaim past glories of the caliphate, and stop the decadent intrusion of Western consumerism and popular culture.

So when terrorists strike in London — or Bali, New York or Madrid — they operate on a variety of assumptions. Middle Eastern governments may publicly deplore their methods, but privately sigh relief that al-Qaeda agents are still not yet after their own heads. Islamicist ganglia go deep into the central nervous system of the Pakistani intelligence service, not to mention the House of Saud…

Fourth, and most important, the terrorists and their supporters understand that in a strange way the West is not only split, but also increasingly illiberal as well. It has lost confidence in its old commitment to rationalism, free speech and empiricism, and now embraces the deductive near-religious doctrines of moral equivalence and utopian pacifism. Al Qaeda’s supporters will say that Thursday’s victims were killed because of Afghanistan or Iraq. Westerners will duly repeat the dull refrain that “Bush lied, thousands died” in their guilt-ridden search for something we did to cause this.

And so, rather than focus our attention on the madrassas and the mosques that preach hatred, we will strive to learn more about Islamic culture, as if our own insensitivity were the true culprit. Our grandfathers could despise Bushido — Japan’s warrior cult — without worrying whether they were being unfair to Buddhists; we of less conviction and even less courage, cannot do likewise.

In short, we now know what to expect from the London bombings and the others to follow. There will be no effort to punish the states that subsidize al Qaeda. Critics will cling to the myth that the British got what they had coming. The primary obsession of many Westerners will be to extend sensitivity to Islam, not the victims of those who kill in its name. And all will be consoled that just a few dozen were harvested this time.

Pay attention, this will be on the test.

Olympic Scandal

This is atrocious: SINGAPORE — Baseball and softball were tossed out of the Olympics for the 2012 London Games on Friday. The action by the International Olympic Committee marked the first time it had dropped any sports from the Summer Games in 69 years. The committee then rejected the five sports wanting to get in. … Continue reading “Olympic Scandal”

This is atrocious:

SINGAPORE — Baseball and softball were tossed out of the Olympics for the 2012 London Games on Friday.

The action by the International Olympic Committee marked the first time it had dropped any sports from the Summer Games in 69 years. The committee then rejected the five sports wanting to get in.

Ribbon and ball stay in, of course.

Excellent analysis

In The Mirror, Mr. Hitchens explains the bombings so clearly even a Maoist can understand: I remember living in London through the Provisional IRA bombing in the 70s. I saw the very first car-bomb explode against the Old Bailey in 1972. There was no warning that time, but after a while a certain etiquette developed. … Continue reading “Excellent analysis”

In The Mirror, Mr. Hitchens explains the bombings so clearly even a Maoist can understand:

I remember living in London through the Provisional IRA bombing in the 70s. I saw the very first car-bomb explode against the Old Bailey in 1972. There was no warning that time, but after a while a certain etiquette developed.

And, even as I detested the people who might have just as soon have blown me up as anyone else, I was aware there were ancient disputes involved, and that there was a potential political solution.

Nothing of the sort applies in this case. We know very well what the “grievances” of the jihadists are.

The grievance of seeing unveiled women. The grievance of the existence, not of the State of Israel, but of the Jewish people. The grievance of the heresy of democracy, which impedes the imposition of sharia law. The grievance of a work of fiction written by an Indian living in London. The grievance of the existence of black African Muslim farmers, who won’t abandon lands in Darfur. The grievance of the existence of homosexuals. The grievance of music, and of most representational art. The grievance of the existence of Hinduism. The grievance of East Timor’s liberation from Indonesian rule. All of these have been proclaimed as a licence to kill infidels or apostates, or anyone who just gets in the way.

FOR a few moments yesterday, Londoners received a taste of what life is like for the people of Iraq and Afghanistan, whose Muslim faith does not protect them from slaughter at the hands of those who think they are not Muslim enough, or are the wrong Muslim.

It is a big mistake to believe this is an assault on “our” values or “our” way of life. It is, rather, an assault on all civilisation. I know perfectly well there are people thinking, and even saying, that Tony Blair brought this upon us by his alliance with George Bush.

A word of advice to them: try and keep it down, will you? Or wait at least until the funerals are over. And beware of the non-sequitur: you can be as opposed to the Iraq operation as much as you like, but you can’t get from that “grievance” to the detonating of explosives at rush hour on London buses and tubes.

Don’t even try to connect the two. By George Galloway’s logic, British squaddies in Iraq are the root cause of dead bodies at home. How can anyone bear to be so wicked and stupid? How can anyone bear to act as a megaphone for psychotic killers?

There’s nothing much to add to this.

Moonbat alert

It seems that the lovable peacenik moonbat Justin Raimondo has trotted-out the old Jew-hater’s canard in relation to London. Jeff Goldstein and John Cole put him in his place.

It seems that the lovable peacenik moonbat Justin Raimondo has trotted-out the old Jew-hater’s canard in relation to London. Jeff Goldstein and John Cole put him in his place.