Here is a good example of the fierce resistance encountered by the imperialist American war machine on its way to Baghdad:
CENTRAL IRAQ (AFP) – Iraqi civilians fleeing heavy fighting have stunned and delighted hungry US marines in central Iraq (news – web sites) by giving them food, as guerrilla attacks continue to disrupt coalition supply lines to the rear.
Sergeant Kenneth Wilson said Arabic-speaking US troops made contact with two busloads of Iraqis fleeing south along Route Seven towards Rafit, one of the first friendly meetings with local people for the marines around here.
“They had slaughtered lambs and chickens and boiled eggs and potatoes for their journey out of the frontlines,” Wilson said
At one camp, the buses stopped and women passed out food to the troops, who have had to ration their army-issue packets of ready-to-eat meals due to disruptions to supply lines by fierce fighting further south.
If they really wanted to be liberated, of course, they would give the soldiers cheeseburgers and beer rather than lamb.
Meanwhile, back in the USSR, Columbia professor of anthropology hopes for “a million Mogadishus”, but even the kids aren’t buying it:
Too many students left the teach-in feeling intimidated not by the overwhelming opposition to the war, but to the way an academic forum became a fervid presentation of an exclusive viewpoint. In the future, the University should be wary of advertising a “critical” forum that is so uncritical of its own perspective.
What a zoo.