Torturing Ron Jeremy’s twin

Dean’s Esmay raises the question of torturing Hairy Boy Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, and rejects it. I have to say that I’m all in favor of torturing Hairy Boy, up to the point where the torture limits the amount of useful intelligence we can get from the Pathetic One. Electric shocks on the balls, fine; water … Continue reading “Torturing Ron Jeremy’s twin”

Dean’s Esmay raises the question of torturing Hairy Boy Khalid Sheikh Muhammed, and rejects it. I have to say that I’m all in favor of torturing Hairy Boy, up to the point where the torture limits the amount of useful intelligence we can get from the Pathetic One. Electric shocks on the balls, fine; water torture, splendid; slivers under the fingernails, AOK; endless repetitions of Rod Stewart albums, groovy; West Wing reruns, spiffy; Ron Jeremy porn, totally cool; Berkeley City Council meetings, good; and best of all, reading dead Islamic scholars writings on Aristotle and religious tolerance would be commendable. But if he starts to scream and go into shock, back off because we shouldn’t let having a good time get in the way of the War on Terra.

The scum deserves no compassion, of course.

A hippie looks at the world

John Perry Barlow, the hippie cattle rancher, Grateful Dead lyricist, EFF co-founder, and Berkman Center benefactor, wrote a long and rambling essay about Dick Cheney recently, which was posted to the Interesting People listserv. Barlow used to go fishing with Cheney, so he’s in a position to understand how the man thinks, which makes it … Continue reading “A hippie looks at the world”

John Perry Barlow, the hippie cattle rancher, Grateful Dead lyricist, EFF co-founder, and Berkman Center benefactor, wrote a long and rambling essay about Dick Cheney recently, which was posted to the Interesting People listserv. Barlow used to go fishing with Cheney, so he’s in a position to understand how the man thinks, which makes it worthwhile to slog through his awkward prose:

With the possible exception of Bill Gates, Dick Cheney is the smartest man I’ve ever met. If you get into a dispute with him, he will take you on a devastatingly brief tour all the weak points in your argument. But he is a careful listener and not at all the ideologue he appears at this distance. I believe he is personally indifferent to greed. In the final analysis, this may simply be about oil, but I doubt that Dick sees it that way. I am relatively certain that he is acting in the service of principles to which he has devoted megawatts of a kind of thought that is unimpeded by sentiment or other emotional overhead.

In the end, Barlow embraces the comfortable hippie stereotypes about globalism and McDonalds, but not before flirting with (and getting the phone number of) common sense. Aside from the observations about Cheney’s mind and lack of greed, the essay is interesting because of the obvious tension between what Barlow knows to be true and what he allows himself to say, as a professional hippie and all. It’s unusual to read someone bullshitting himself with full waking awareness that he’s required to bullshit himself for professional or social reasons.

Separated at birth?

On the left, porn star Ron Jeremy, and on the right, Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, recently captured in democratic Pakistan. UPDATE: John Cole did this first, and many others did it later.


On the left, porn star Ron Jeremy, and on the right, Al Qaeda mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, recently captured in democratic Pakistan.

UPDATE: John Cole did this first, and many others did it later.

Don’t nuke Berkeley

Dictator enablers have taken a strong and principled stand against nuking Berkeley and I support them. We should continue applying diplomatic pressure on Berkeley in hopes of convincing them to enter the ranks of the responsible, and failing that we should send Berkeleyites to Iraq to work as human shields; there are some job openings … Continue reading “Don’t nuke Berkeley”

Dictator enablers have taken a strong and principled stand against nuking Berkeley and I support them. We should continue applying diplomatic pressure on Berkeley in hopes of convincing them to enter the ranks of the responsible, and failing that we should send Berkeleyites to Iraq to work as human shields; there are some job openings now that Brits and the Canucks are coming home.

I live downwind of Berkeley, you see.

Spammers for Saddam

Bush Protesters Are Taking to Information Superhighway: Organizers of the “virtual march on Washington” said that Senate offices and the White House were deluged with more than 1 million calls and faxes. “We are getting slammed by the virtual marchers,” said an aide to Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.), who supports President Bush in the use … Continue reading “Spammers for Saddam”

Bush Protesters Are Taking to Information Superhighway:

Organizers of the “virtual march on Washington” said that Senate offices and the White House were deluged with more than 1 million calls and faxes.

“We are getting slammed by the virtual marchers,” said an aide to Sen. Zell Miller (D-Ga.), who supports President Bush in the use of force, if necessary, to disarm the government of Saddam Hussein, with or without U.N. approval.

Many callers to the Capitol were greeted by a recorded message saying “all circuits are busy.”

This kind of rude behavior generally causes a backlash from the over-worked staffers who have to spend the entire day talking to protesters, which in this case is darn good.

In Sami Al-Arian’s name

Byron York unravels the funding for protest group Not in Our Name and finds terrorist professor Sami Al-Arian holding the purse strings: FOR its fund raising, the Not In Our Name Project is allied with another foundation, this one called the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. Founded by several New Left leaders in 1967 to … Continue reading “In Sami Al-Arian’s name”

Byron York unravels the funding for protest group Not in Our Name and finds terrorist professor Sami Al-Arian holding the purse strings:

FOR its fund raising, the Not In Our Name Project is allied with another foundation, this one called the Interreligious Foundation for Community Organization. Founded by several New Left leaders in 1967 to “advance the struggles of oppressed people for justice and self-determination,” IFCO was originally created to serve as the fundraising arm of a variety of activist organizations that lacked the resources to raise money for themselves.

In recent years, IFCO served as fiscal sponsor for an organization called the National Coalition to Protect Political Freedom (their partnership ended when the coalition formed its own tax-exempt foundation). Founded in 1997 as a reaction to the 1996 Anti-Terrorism Act, the coalition says its function is to oppose the use of secret evidence in terrorism prosecutions.

Until recently, the group’s president was Sami Al-Arian, a University of South Florida computer-science professor who has been suspended for alleged ties to terrorism. (He is still a member of the coalition’s board.)

Is Not in Our Name Anti-war, or anti-America?

Link from Michael Totten.

Mugabe praises Chirac

Genocidal tyrant Robert Mugabe had a great time yucking it up with Jacques Chirac: Mugabe ‘at home’ during French summit — The Washington Times “He put his foot down on principles,” Mr. Mugabe added, saying the world needed more leaders of great stature such as Mr. Chirac. “That is the kind of leader we regard … Continue reading “Mugabe praises Chirac”

Genocidal tyrant Robert Mugabe had a great time yucking it up with Jacques Chirac:

Mugabe ‘at home’ during French summit — The Washington Times

“He put his foot down on principles,” Mr. Mugabe added, saying the world needed more leaders of great stature such as Mr. Chirac.

“That is the kind of leader we regard as very important for this stage … in the international community,” he noted.

Chirac’s looking like somebody who never met a genocide he didn’t like.

Mr. T meets the Mr. T Experience

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Mr. T was to produce the blog produced by the leader of the Mr. T Experience? Of course you have, but wonder no more and go see the pudding: The T’inator does Blogs of War.

Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Mr. T was to produce the blog produced by the leader of the Mr. T Experience? Of course you have, but wonder no more and go see the pudding: The T’inator does Blogs of War.