— We have a new feature here at the Navel called “RoboPundit.” This is a little bit of technology that features summaries and links to recent articles from a number of different blogs that I enjoy reading. The summaries are assembled automatically, hence the name. This works through Peerkat, which grabs the summaries automatically generated … Continue reading “RoboPundit”
— We have a new feature here at the Navel called “RoboPundit.” This is a little bit of technology that features summaries and links to recent articles from a number of different blogs that I enjoy reading. The summaries are assembled automatically, hence the name. This works through Peerkat, which grabs the summaries automatically generated by Movable Type and some other blog tools (but not by Blogger, alhough Mr. Blogger has an RSS feed on his personal blog), and makes an RSS feed out of them. This feed is then grabbed by a server that converts the feed into Javascript. The blogs are scanned every hour, but the service that converts the feed only runs once a day, unless I force it to refresh more often (or unless somebody else does, because anybody can force a re-build of the RoboPundit feed.)
All of this software is flakey, pre-release stuff, so I expect a little randomness, which we can pretend is punditry. I just did this to do it, not because I think it’s Really Cool or anything like that. Of course.
UPDATE: To force an update of the RoboPundit feed, just click here.