Wired West debate

— This JD Lasica character has got some negative feedback on Wired West. Getting some very interesting feedback on my article that posted yesterday on OJR: Why the Wired West still matters. The vast majority have been kudos, but those aren’t the interesting ones, so I’ll print the critics’ views here. If you care about … Continue reading “Wired West debate”

— This JD Lasica character has got some negative feedback on Wired West.

Getting some very interesting feedback on my article that posted yesterday on OJR: Why the Wired West still matters. The vast majority have been kudos, but those aren’t the interesting ones, so I’ll print the critics’ views here.

If you care about all the East v. West, Blog v. Media stuff, this is for you, but it’s pretty lame — JD’s a Wellbert.

Christian homicide bombers

— Mrs. Bennett urges you to cast your attention in the general direction of Natalie Solent: The Arabs are at the present time the world’s premier admirers of those who “martyr” themselves while killing children and other civilians. However we must not neglect the Western, nominally-Christian world’s own substantial contribution to this field of human … Continue reading “Christian homicide bombers”

— Mrs. Bennett urges you to cast your attention in the general direction of Natalie Solent:

The Arabs are at the present time the world’s premier admirers of those who “martyr” themselves while killing children and other civilians. However we must not neglect the Western, nominally-Christian world’s own substantial contribution to this field of human endeavour. On October 23rd 1993 the IRA exploded a bomb in a fish shop in the Shankill Road. They used a bomb with a fuse set for eleven seconds: so you can safely assume that the bombers intended to give themselves time to get away but to kill the customers and staff in the shop without warning. And kill them it did, nine of them, including Michelle Baird aged seven and Leanne Murphy aged thirteen.

Gerry Adams was a pallbearer at the funeral of one of the Shankill bombers, and Oakland, CA (home of Barbara Lee) just named a street after him. We seem to have a bit of a consistency problem here.

What kind of blog am I?

— Why a Sullivan, of course. Check What Blogging Archetype Are You Most Like? Find out with GAZM.org!. You are an Andrew Sullivan. You are not afraid to share your political views with everyone in candid and clear ways. You may also be making some money… one day.Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test … Continue reading “What kind of blog am I?”

— Why a Sullivan, of course. Check What Blogging Archetype Are You Most Like? Find out with GAZM.org!.

You are an Andrew Sullivan.
You are not afraid to share your political views with everyone in candid and clear ways.
You may also be making some money… one day.

Take the What Blogging Archetype Are You test at GAZM.org

Most of the blog archetypes who’ve taken the test, like Searls and AKMA, are somebody else.

Help wanted

— The Conservative Underground says: The Conservative Underground is currently looking for contributing writers who share our progressive philosophy of no holds bar, in-you-face, take-no-prisoners, cultural crusade conservatism. Do you think that you’re good enough to carry the insignia of a cultural warrior? I don’t know what it pays, but here’s an example of their … Continue reading “Help wanted”

The Conservative Underground says:

The Conservative Underground is currently looking for contributing writers who share our progressive philosophy of no holds bar, in-you-face, take-no-prisoners, cultural crusade conservatism. Do you think that you’re good enough to carry the insignia of a cultural warrior?

I don’t know what it pays, but here’s an example of their work:

Dear Oubai
Solace and Compassion for Lefty Losers
Dear Oubai:
Ever since Le Pen defeated the socialist candidate for Prime Minister, I?ve been suffering unusual anxiety attacks and a terrible case of back acne. I mean, where am I gonna threaten to move to now if Bush wins re-election ?!

Power to the (non-white) People,

Balec Aldwin

Dear Balec:

There?s always Austria?no wait?Holland? nope taken too? lets see? Italy ? nope, taken? umm?. How ?bout Russia? nope?Flat tax and all? wait, wait? I got it: Hell! How would hell do ? Great in the winter time, besides Marx and Stalin usually make for great party conversations.


Mr. Coyote

— A Coyote at the Dog Show has gone “All Global Warming All The Time”. Mrs. Bennett says check it out.

A Coyote at the Dog Show has gone “All Global Warming All The Time”. Mrs. Bennett says check it out.

Simon leads Davis in polls

— I read this TheAmericanProwler Article on somebody’s blog yesterday (I forget whose) but it’s a major deal: Thanks to the anti-Simon press corps, few Californians know that Simon has been leading Gray Davis in at least five polls. The article says the ONLY poll that shows Davis in the lead, the notoriously unreliable Field … Continue reading “Simon leads Davis in polls”

— I read this TheAmericanProwler Article on somebody’s blog yesterday (I forget whose) but it’s a major deal:

Thanks to the anti-Simon press corps, few Californians know that Simon has been leading Gray Davis in at least five polls.

The article says the ONLY poll that shows Davis in the lead, the notoriously unreliable Field poll, is the one the papers are carrying. The thing is, the papers always cover the Field poll, unreliable or not, so this may not be a smoking gun, exactly.

Big Brother, meet Judge Eick

— The Mercury News reports that a judge has ordered Sonic Blue, maker of the Replay 4000 PVR, to record customers’ every click of the remote: A federal magistrate in Los Angeles has ordered SonicBlue to spy on thousands of digital video recorder users — monitoring every show they record, every commercial they skip and … Continue reading “Big Brother, meet Judge Eick”

— The Mercury News reports that a judge has ordered Sonic Blue, maker of the Replay 4000 PVR, to record customers’ every click of the remote:

A federal magistrate in Los Angeles has ordered SonicBlue to spy on thousands of digital video recorder users — monitoring every show they record, every commercial they skip and every program they send electronically to a friend.

Tivo collected this kind of data during the SuperBowl, and found that people rewound and re-watched the Britney Spears Coke commercials more than the game, so some of the results might be surprising. Not all that surprising, of course.

Green, green

— Those crazy Germans are listening to plants scream with pain when their fruits are picked. But there’s more to it than that: The Bonn scientists have tested a range of plants, always in rooms with controlled temperatures and simulated natural light. But they were most surprised by the reaction of the cucumber. The vegetable … Continue reading “Green, green”

— Those crazy Germans are listening to plants scream with pain when their fruits are picked. But there’s more to it than that:

The Bonn scientists have tested a range of plants, always in rooms with controlled temperatures and simulated natural light. But they were most surprised by the reaction of the cucumber. The vegetable appeared to be in good shape, yet according to the acoustic measurements it was virtually shouting with agony.

A closer study showed that it had developed mildew, yet the symptoms were not visible. This finding is likely to make an impact on agriculture. “We can detect an infection the day after it has set in,” said Dr K?hnemann’s colleague Ralph Gaebler. “Farmers, looking at their plant in the field, have to wait eight or nine days until the mildew spots have visibly broken out before they notice the problem,” he said in an interview with Deutsche Welle radio station.

Screaming plants, ethylene emission detectors, and an end to that rotten apple in every barrel are coming soon.