Paternity Fraud

Assemblyman Rod Wright is trying to do something about paternity fraud, the practice whereby someone other than the father is designated as the child support obligor. Here’s the bill he proposes, and one letter of support.

Assemblyman Rod Wright is trying to do something about paternity fraud, the practice whereby someone other than the father is designated as the child support obligor. Here’s the bill he proposes, and one letter of support.

Critics of the Taliban

— Ken Layne notes Tom Tomorrow says that “leftists and feminists were among the few voices criticizing the Taliban before Sept. 11.” While there was some weak Taliban-bashing from these quarters, I personally compared the author of a bill eliminating pre-nuptial waivers of alimony to the Taliban in a letter to the California legislature in … Continue reading “Critics of the Taliban”

Ken Layne notes Tom Tomorrow says that “leftists and feminists were among the few voices criticizing the Taliban before Sept. 11.” While there was some weak Taliban-bashing from these quarters, I personally compared the author of a bill eliminating pre-nuptial waivers of alimony to the Taliban in a letter to the California legislature in March of 2001. The author I complained about, Sheila Kuehl, is a leftist and a feminist, which made the comparison all the more appropriate. Paternalism is where you find it, and it’s more common among the feminist left than anywhere else in American life.

New twist in the Elian saga

— What if Elian Gonzales’ father requested asylum and was turned down by the INS? It may have happened according to this in Transterrestrial Musings I’m seeing some reports from people on the ground in Florida that a story’s going to break tomorrow that Juan Gonzales (remember, Elian’s poppa?) requested asylum three times from Janet … Continue reading “New twist in the Elian saga”

— What if Elian Gonzales’ father requested asylum and was turned down by the INS? It may have happened according to this in Transterrestrial Musings

I’m seeing some reports from people on the ground in Florida that a story’s going to break tomorrow that Juan Gonzales (remember, Elian’s poppa?) requested asylum three times from Janet “Roast the Waco Kids” Reno while he was holed up in the Cuban embassy in DC, and was repeatedly denied.

Surprised that Janet Reno would be callous to the welfare of a child after building a career prosecuting men falsely charged with sexual abuse of children? Naw, it’s too perfect, and even Reno’s not that dumb. My guess is Juan waffled on asylum and finally decided against it because of the reprisals Castro threatened to bring down on his parents. The INS destroyed the evidence of his waffling, probably, in hopes of avoiding a November surprise.

Ted Rall, war profiteer

— With all this absurd whining from the anti-American left about warbloggers being war profiteers (spectacularly dissected by James Lileks), it seems appropriate to look behind the smokescreen and see who’s actually profiting from the war on terror. One fine pair of war profiteers appeared on the soon-to-be-shitcanned TV program, Politically Incorrect, Wednesday night: egomaniacal … Continue reading “Ted Rall, war profiteer”

— With all this absurd whining from the anti-American left about warbloggers being war profiteers (spectacularly dissected by James Lileks), it seems appropriate to look behind the smokescreen and see who’s actually profiting from the war on terror. One fine pair of war profiteers appeared on the soon-to-be-shitcanned TV program, Politically Incorrect, Wednesday night: egomaniacal cartoonist (and cartoon editorialist) Ted Rall, and his buddy Bill Maher. This pair were touting their new book,
To Afghanistan and Back, an alleged account of Rall’s death-defying trip to Afghanistan. Now I wouldn’t normally tout a Rall product, but given the absurd claim that we warbloggers are rolling in warbucks, it deserves mention solely for the purpose of underscoring the hypocrisy of the idiot Rall, best known for his vicious attack on Daniel Pearl’s widow (who doesn’t happen to be eligible for WTC compensation, as far as I know.)

I didn’t hear a thing about donating the proceeds of this book to help the millions of Afghanis we’ve allegedly carpet-bombed into another dimension. Not a word about helping Palestinians with their funeral expenses, or even anything on the homeless cats and dogs which are probably the sole extent of Maher’s concern about the WTC destruction. And of course, this book certainly would not be possible without the escort provided Rall by the American Armed Forces, at taxpayer expense.

As far as I can tell, Rall and Maher intend to spend the proceeds of this bit of anti-American sensationalism entertaining bimbos they picked up at the Playboy mansion on Hefner’s 76th birthday. So who’s the war profiteer, and who’s going to buy their book? Not this blogger.

Coloring the News

— I heard Wm. McGowan on the radio today, pitching his book Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism. He discussed the made-up anti-Arab backlash that was supposed to have swept the nation in the wake of Sept. 11, a fine example of the liberal media suffusing their reporting with wish-fulfillment. … Continue reading “Coloring the News”

— I heard Wm. McGowan on the radio today, pitching his book Coloring the News: How Crusading for Diversity Has Corrupted American Journalism. He discussed the made-up anti-Arab backlash that was supposed to have swept the nation in the wake of Sept. 11, a fine example of the liberal media suffusing their reporting with wish-fulfillment. Here’s a description of the book from his web site:

McGowan subjects the journalism of the New York Times, the Washington Post and other prestigious news organizations to careful analysis in showing how the quest for “diversity” has influenced not only editorial policy but news gathering itself. The diversity that has seized hold of the nation’s newsrooms does not value true diversity of opinion, he maintains, but instead promotes one-sided reporting-by-the-numbers.

The message seems to be similar to that of Bernard Goldberg’s Bias, and I hope it’s better-supported. There’s nothing worse than a weak argument for the correct point of view.

Judge aids terrorist cause

— Judge Refuses Gov’t on Detainee Case: Last week, U.S. District Judge Nancy G. Edmunds said the Justice Department improperly barred the media and public from immigration hearings for Rabih Haddad, the co-founder of Global Relief Foundation. She ruled that transcripts of the hearings must be made public. This judge wants the government to turn … Continue reading “Judge aids terrorist cause”

Judge Refuses Gov’t on Detainee Case:

Last week, U.S. District Judge Nancy G. Edmunds said the Justice Department improperly barred the media and public from immigration hearings for Rabih Haddad, the co-founder of Global Relief Foundation. She ruled that transcripts of the hearings must be made public.

This judge wants the government to turn sensitive intelligence info over to the terrorists. I’m amazed.

Evil attorney indicted

— The idictment of evil attorney Lynne Stewart for terrorist conspiracy drew the predictable response from the trial lawyers: Attorney Accused of Passing Terrorist Messages ( — “As a defense lawyer now, you basically cannot talk to your clients in prison. If you have a securities fraud case . . . then you’re probably safe. … Continue reading “Evil attorney indicted”

— The idictment of evil attorney Lynne Stewart for terrorist conspiracy drew the predictable response from the trial lawyers:

Attorney Accused of Passing Terrorist Messages ( — “As a defense lawyer now, you basically cannot talk to your clients in prison. If you have a securities fraud case . . . then you’re probably safe. If you’re in the Southern District of New York and there are people under indictment for these kind of [terrorism] cases, then you’re probably being watched,” he said. “It bodes terribly ill for our defense system.”

With spokesmen like this, trial lawyers need no enemies. It’s always been illegal for attorneys to join criminal conspiracies with their clients, it just wasn’t prosecuted before. You can tell how serious Ashcroft is about this case by his appearance on David Letterman last night.

Ben Gets a Dream Job

— Exceptionally talented blogger Ben Domenech landed a job with the White House speech-writing office this summer, which confirms the President’s good judgment. Let’s send him off with some choice lines. What would you like to hear the President say? That Saddam Hussein is a no count, shiftless hound dog? It’s late and I’m fresh … Continue reading “Ben Gets a Dream Job”

— Exceptionally talented blogger Ben Domenech landed a job with the White House speech-writing office this summer, which confirms the President’s good judgment. Let’s send him off with some choice lines. What would you like to hear the President say? That Saddam Hussein is a no count, shiftless hound dog? It’s late and I’m fresh out of cleverness, but I know some of the wags among the warbloggers can come up with some gems. Remember, it’s about the fate of the Free World.

Hot shot blogger’s feelings

— InstaPundit put some e-mail on his site that he got from “hot-shot blogger Rebecca Blood,” author of a forthcoming book on weblogs. Here’s the part that proves she’s an idiot wannabe: I’m interested in how many readers I have. cookies would be the most accurate way oftracking that, but without using cookies the standard … Continue reading “Hot shot blogger’s feelings”

InstaPundit put some e-mail on his site that he got from “hot-shot blogger Rebecca Blood,” author of a forthcoming book on weblogs. Here’s the part that proves she’s an idiot wannabe:

I’m interested in how many readers I have. cookies would be the most accurate way oftracking that, but without using cookies the standard measure that most closely correlates to that metric is unique IPs …even considering the inaccuracies involved (as noted by scalzi), I feel this is the most reliable measure available (at least comparable to the circulation figures used by print publications).

Neither Blood nor the source she cites – some idiot named Scalzi – understand the relationship between IP addresses and people on the web. IP addresses are not only assigned dynamically most of the time (Blood and Scalzi sound like they heard about that), but they’re hidden from the net, or aggregated, behind NAT boxes and firewalls. Every time somebody where I work visits a web site outside the company Intranet, they use the same IP address, because we have a firewall. All big companies have firewalls and NAT boxes, and most schools an universties. These people are lame beyond measure, and they’re writing books about the frickin’ web? Jesus H. Christ – it’s probably all about Goth grrrls and raving. Gag me with a spoon.

Neal Talbot, Idiot du jour

— This boy, credited with the Dumbest Article on Blogging Ever, has an inflated sense of his own importance (wrongwaygoback : wetlog : keep the bastards honest) As someone else put it, there truly is a disconnect between long-time bloggers and warbloggers. I don’t get blogging? Having blogged for over two years now, I’ve written … Continue reading “Neal Talbot, Idiot du jour”

— This boy, credited with the Dumbest Article on Blogging Ever, has an inflated sense of his own importance (wrongwaygoback : wetlog : keep the bastards honest)

As someone else put it, there truly is a disconnect between long-time bloggers and warbloggers. I don’t get blogging? Having blogged for over two years now, I’ve written several articles about weblogging – articles written badly enough to be included in the book, We’ve Got Blog .

Hot shit – two whole years, and still he can’t size his fonts correctly. When I invented the blog back in ’94, I knew there would be idiots like this one, but I pressed ahead because I also knew there would be people like those on the right-hand side of my home page.