The drama queen

— Andrew Sullivan drives the extreme left insane, because he’s one of those Oppressed People who’ve wandered off the thought plantation, like Ward Connerly and Nora Vincent, and actually has the nerve to criticize Conventional Totalitarian Thought of the sort typified by The Nation. Thus Sullivan a constant target for abuse by the belligerosos.Sullivan’s decision … Continue reading “The drama queen”

Andrew Sullivan drives the extreme left insane, because he’s one of those Oppressed People who’ve wandered off the thought plantation, like Ward Connerly and Nora Vincent, and actually has the nerve to criticize Conventional Totalitarian Thought of the sort typified by The Nation. Thus Sullivan a constant target for abuse by the belligerosos.

Sullivan’s decision to do some Shakespeare (he’s playing Benedick in Much Ado) provided the opening The Nation’s Eric Alterman needed to brand him a drama queen. Silly Alterman, you don’t even warrant a link.

Hidden alimony unconstitutional

— Roger Gay comments on recent court decisions shutting down child support formulas (Men’s News Daily) The judgment states three requirements for constitutionally acceptable child support decisions. Both parents have an equal obligation to support their children in accordance with their relative means to do so; regardless of their gender and custodial status. The amount … Continue reading “Hidden alimony unconstitutional”

— Roger Gay comments on recent court decisions shutting down child support formulas (Men’s News Daily)

The judgment states three requirements for constitutionally acceptable child support decisions. Both parents have an equal obligation to support their children in accordance with their relative means to do so; regardless of their gender and custodial status. The amount awarded as “child support” must be limited to address only the need for financial support of dependent children. Child support awards must be rationally related to the relevant facts and circumstances of each case.

This is a good step in the right direction, but it will take 10 or 20 years before this kind of thinking comes to California.

You all better behave now

— Ken Layne has renamed me after that other Bennett, the one who had to quit smoking so he could be the Drug Czar, so now I’m going to enforce strict moral standards on everybody: William Bennett has more on the lousy SF Chronicle, but adds that the Merc ain’t exactly the model newspaper — … Continue reading “You all better behave now”

Ken Layne has renamed me after that other Bennett, the one who had to quit smoking so he could be the Drug Czar, so now I’m going to enforce strict moral standards on everybody:

William Bennett has more on the lousy SF Chronicle, but adds that the Merc ain’t exactly the model newspaper — especially since Joanne Jacobs quit. And, as Searls notes, the pioneering Mercury News site got swallowed by Knight Ridder, leading to a very ugly, ad-heavy site. KR also ruined the Dave Barry archives.

I went to the Univ. of Texas as an undergrad when Bill was working on his doctorate in Philosophy under John Silber and playing drums in a rock band (that’s a true fact), and I’m pretty sure we aren’t the same guy. I could never get along with philosopher king Silber, for one thing; and for another, I played bass.

By the way, all the article numbers are screwed-up since I took my blog over to Sonic, so the article on the Chron and the Murk is now at this number.

Let us now praise famous men

— If you don’t read anything else today, at least take a look at James Lileks’ treatment of His Rotundity, Michael Moore. It’s stuff like this that makes me glad to be able to read, or something.

— If you don’t read anything else today, at least take a look at James Lileks’ treatment of His Rotundity, Michael Moore. It’s stuff like this that makes me glad to be able to read, or something.

Let slip the frogs of war

— I received this in the mail today: French Intellectuals to be Deployed in Afghanistan To Convince Taliban of Non-Existence of God. The ground war in Afghanistan hotted up yesterday when the Allies revealed plans to airdrop a platoon of crack French existentialist philosophers into the country to destroy the morale of Taliban zealots by … Continue reading “Let slip the frogs of war”

— I received this in the mail today:
French Intellectuals to be Deployed in Afghanistan To Convince Taliban of Non-Existence of God. The ground war in Afghanistan hotted up yesterday when the Allies revealed plans to airdrop a platoon of crack French existentialist philosophers into the country to destroy the morale of Taliban zealots by proving the non-existence of God.

Elements from the feared Jean-Paul Sartre Brigade, or ‘Black Berets’, will be parachuted into the combat zones to spread doubt, despondency and existential anomie among the enemy. Hardened by numerous intellectual battles fought during their long occupation of Paris’s Left Bank, their first action will be to establish a number of pavement cafes at strategic points near the front lines. There they will drink coffee and talk animatedly about the absurd nature of life and man’s lonely isolation in the universe. They will be accompanied by a number of heartbreakingly beautiful girlfriends who will further spread dismay by sticking their tongues in the philosophers’ ears every five minutes and looking remote and unattainable to everyone else.

Their leader, Colonel Marc-Ange Belmondo, spoke yesterday of his confidence in the success of their mission. Sorbonne graduate Belmondo, a very intense and unshaven young man in a black pullover, gesticulated wildly and said, “The Taliban are caught in a logical fallacy of the most ridiculous. There is no God and I can prove it. Take your tongue out of my ear, Juliet, I am talking.”

Marc-Ange plans to deliver an impassioned thesis on man’s nauseating freedom of action with special reference to the work of Foucault and the films of Alfred Hitchcock.

However, humanitarian agencies have been quick to condemn the operation as inhumane, pointing out that the effects of passive smoking from the Frenchmens’ endless Gitanes could wreak a terrible toll on civilians in the area.

Speculation was mounting last night that Britain may also contribute to the effort by dropping Professor Stephen Hawking into Afghanistan to propagate his non-deistic theory of the creation of the universe.

Other tactics to demonstrate the non-existence of God will include the dropping of leaflets pointing out the fact that Michael Jackson has a new album out and Oprah Winfrey has not died yet.

This is only one of several Psy-Ops operations mounted by the Allies to undermine the unswerving religious fanaticism that fuels the Taliban’s fighting spirit. Pentagon sources have recently confirmed rumors that America has already sent in a 200-foot-tall robot Jesus, which roams the Taliban front lines glowing eerily and shooting flames out of its fingers while saying, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life, follow me or die.’

However, plans to have the giant Christ kick the crap out of a slightly effeminate 80-foot Mohammed in central Kabul were discarded as insensitive to Muslim allies.


— Welcome to my new ISP. Nothing new to report, other than I’m glad to be off Verio. Still shaking it down, however.

— Welcome to my new ISP. Nothing new to report, other than I’m glad to be off Verio.

Still shaking it down, however.

Terrorist scum summoned to Washington

— Congressman Henry Hyde (R, Illinois) has summoned Gerry Adams to appear before a House International Relations Committee hearing on the IRA’s relationship with FARC terrorists in Colombia (Times Online) Mr Adams, the president of Sinn Fein, has been told to attend a hearing on Capitol Hill next month and prepare to answer the question: … Continue reading “Terrorist scum summoned to Washington”

— Congressman Henry Hyde (R, Illinois) has summoned Gerry Adams to appear before a House International Relations Committee hearing on the IRA’s relationship with FARC terrorists in Colombia (Times Online)

Mr Adams, the president of Sinn Fein, has been told to attend a hearing on Capitol Hill next month and prepare to answer the question: “What did you know and when did you know it?” The hearing has been called after outrage in the United States over the discovery last year of three IRA suspects in the area of Colombia controlled by Farc.

Congress wasn’t interested in the IRA as long as it was simply a matter of Americans sending money to finance the bombing of English schoolchildren, but interfering with the Drug War is a whole different can of worms. Link courtesy of Iain Murray.

Battling bias surveys

— More than Zero reports on a study done by Jeff Nunberg, one of the stalwarts of National Public Radio on the use of the labels “liberal” and “conservative” near the names of well-known politicians and actors, which concludes that liberals are more often identified as such by the press. …the average liberal legislator has … Continue reading “Battling bias surveys”

More than Zero reports on a study done by Jeff Nunberg, one of the stalwarts of National Public Radio on the use of the labels “liberal” and “conservative” near the names of well-known politicians and actors, which concludes that liberals are more often identified as such by the press.

…the average liberal legislator has a thirty percent greater likelyhood of being identified with a partisan label than the average conservative does. The press describes Barney Frank as a liberal two-and-a-half times as frequently as it describes Dick Armey as a conservative. It gives Barbara Boxer a partisan label almost twice as often as it gives one to Trent Lott. And while it isn’t surprising that the press applies the label conservative to Jesse Helms more often than to any other Republican in the group, it describes Paul Wellstone as a liberal twenty percent more frequently than that.

But a while back, PatrickRuffini counted the phrases “right-wing” and “left-wing” in the liberal press, and came up with very different results:

This disparity was even more palpable at the New York Times, where 80.2% of the left-right mentions on the national news pages since 1996 have spotlighted the right. The research also found that the more loaded and derogatory the phrase, the more likely it was to be associated with the political right. The term “conservative” outpolled “liberal” by 66-34% in New York Times news page mentions, while the aforementioned “right-wing” clocked in at 80% in a similar measure. However, the term “right-wing extremist” was used at least six times as frequently than “left-wing extremist” (at 87.4% since ’96 in the Times).

So what’s going on here? Taking the two studies together, it would appear that the liberal press spills more ink on conservative politicians than on liberals, and that it’s more likely to identify liberals than conservatives when doing so.

Latest blog article

— This fine article by the Emmanuelle Richard Release: BLOG ALWAYS, YOU INTEREST Me is a must for reading. So light your computer and press the bond. Here’s what she says about some of the FoxBlogs: Among the feathers courted by Fox News: a teacher of San Francisco, one impassioned of aerospace of Wyoming and … Continue reading “Latest blog article”

— This fine article by the Emmanuelle Richard Release: BLOG ALWAYS, YOU INTEREST Me is a must for reading. So light your computer and press the bond. Here’s what she says about some of the FoxBlogs:

Among the feathers courted by Fox News: a teacher of San Francisco, one impassioned of aerospace of Wyoming and Moira Breen, a mother with the hearth of the rural State of Oregon, in the North-West of the United States. This faded of 44 years data processing says itself surprised to have caused as much interest with its “humble Web log”, to have launched in November, “Inappropriate Response” ( ): “I have the impression that many visitors are very, very, irritated by the traditional media and take refuge near the webloggers, says it. The blogs are pivots which encourage to read, to write more and to reflect.”

Translation courtesy of Google; the original is written quite stylishly in the French language, which has something to do with Europe.