Enron’s cash cow

Here’s the source of Dr. McLaughlin’s insights into Enron and Kyoto: Enron’s secret energy plan BY ROBERT NOVAK SUN-TIMES COLUMNIST Enron Corp. has been widely depicted as a free market swashbuckler leveraging its political power for deregulation. In truth, the Texas energy giant and its well-connected chief, Dr. Kenneth Lay, also constituted the most active … Continue reading “Enron’s cash cow”

Here’s the source of Dr. McLaughlin’s insights into Enron and Kyoto: Enron’s secret energy plan


Enron Corp. has been widely depicted as a free market swashbuckler leveraging its political power for deregulation. In truth, the Texas energy giant and its well-connected chief, Dr. Kenneth Lay, also constituted the most active corporate advocate of the Kyoto global warming treaty. Lay’s efforts last year reached into the Bush Cabinet to Treasury Secretary Paul O’Neill.

The Prince of Darkness still needs to connect the dots leading from Enron to Al Gore if we’re going to believe that the structure of the Kyoto Treaty was designed to screw over the US for the benefit of Enron. And while it’s easy to see Al Gore as a bungler, it’s not all that clear that he’s an out-and-out crook.

Nonetheless, for lovers of irony, it’s a juicy theory.