Libertarian quiz

— According to the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, I’m a centrist leaning slightly more to the left than the right. The quiz was put together by a libertarian organization, of course, one that wants you to base your politics on Hollywood values. Scientology uses an ersatz IQ test to aid in recruiting fresh meat, too; … Continue reading “Libertarian quiz”

— According to the World’s Smallest Political Quiz, I’m a centrist leaning slightly more to the left than the right. The quiz was put together by a libertarian organization, of course, one that wants you to base your politics on Hollywood values. Scientology uses an ersatz IQ test to aid in recruiting fresh meat, too; the more lost people get, the more we love self-defining tests.

4 thoughts on “Libertarian quiz”

  1. Well it got me spot on, that is for sure. What are you are you talking about when you say Hollywood Values? Hollywood values are left wing not libertarian!

  2. “Hollywood values” means the political beliefs of celebrities are somehow important to you; the libertarians devote a whole page to that stuff on the link I provided.

  3. I find that quiz pretty amusing. It always puts me on the left side of libertarian but (from the assumptions I can see they are using) if they asked a few more questions, or phrased their questions a bit differently, I could end up in any one of their areas.

    I took Owen’s quiz too — and scored a six — with four questions where I didn’t like either answer. The problem with all of these quizzes is the underlying assumptions.

    People don’t fit into neat little pigeonholes, no matter how much we want them to.

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