IRS audits conservatives

Robert Novak, the Prince of Darkness, has the smoking gun proving that the Clinton White House used the IRS to harass its enemies. Since the Clintons left the White House, former IRS agents leaked Bill Simon’s tax returns to the press: A filing in the court last Jan. 7 indicates the documents were released by … Continue reading “IRS audits conservatives”

Robert Novak, the Prince of Darkness, has the smoking gun proving that the Clinton White House used the IRS to harass its enemies. Since the Clintons left the White House, former IRS agents leaked Bill Simon’s tax returns to the press:

A filing in the court last Jan. 7 indicates the documents were released by lawyers from the Justice Department’s Tax Division. The government’s chief litigator against Judicial Watch has been a remarkable Washington bureaucrat named Stuart Gibson.

While serving as a civil service tax lawyer, Gibson also is a liberal activist in suburban Fairfax County, Va., where he was elected to the school board with Democratic backing. He was the lead litigator in the public disclosure of tax shelters by individual taxpayers — including Bill Simon, the Republican nominee for governor of California.

The legacy of sleaze and corruption is still upon us, but Simon didn’t make things any better for himself by playing cat-and-mouse with the press about his tax returns. He can either release them or not, but the game he played with the press the other day where he allowed reporters to look at thousands of pages without tax experts’ advice and copy nothing created the perception that Simon has something to hide.