Political theorist throws in the towel

Cowardly Joi Ito as much as admits that his ideas about the so-called “emergent democracy” are incoherent and indefensible, and concedes defeat by banning me from leaving comments on his blog (right after I said by-bye). Read the whole thing, it’s a hilarious example of the kind of reasoning that’s very stylish in France these … Continue reading “Political theorist throws in the towel”

Cowardly Joi Ito as much as admits that his ideas about the so-called “emergent democracy” are incoherent and indefensible, and concedes defeat by banning me from leaving comments on his blog (right after I said by-bye). Read the whole thing, it’s a hilarious example of the kind of reasoning that’s very stylish in France these days.

Apparently the boy can’t control his lust for power after all.

2 thoughts on “Political theorist throws in the towel”

  1. I’m puzzled as to why you think that someone you refer to as “cowardly” or “emperor” would find any value in debating issues with you.

    I’ve never seen evidence that Joi is unwilling to entertain debate or challenge to his ideas. But when that degrades into ad hominen attacks and personal insults, I think he’s quite right in drawing a line and refusing to participate in the discussion.

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