Who’s more Hillary?

ScrappleFace casts Sharon Stone in the part of Hillary Clinton in the TV movie, but our choice is William H. Macy. We considered RuPaul, but rejected him as too feminine. That’s Hillary in the middle.

ScrappleFace casts Sharon Stone in the part of Hillary Clinton in the TV movie, but our choice is William H. Macy. We considered RuPaul, but rejected him as too feminine.


That’s Hillary in the middle.

2 thoughts on “Who’s more Hillary?”

  1. I always thought Sharon Stone would be a natural for the role of Hilary. She’s prettier and a little younger than the Senator, but I think she could make it work. Cybill Shepherd as Martha Stewart didn’t seem quite right…

  2. Somebody on Scrapple Face suggested that Madonna could play Hillary, using the script for Evita without changing a thing. I think that’s about right.

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