Gestapo tactics in the streets of California

Sad-sack Governor Gray Davis hopes he can intimidate the voters into letting him stay in power to further fatten special interest bellies: Sacramento — Opponents of the move to recall Gov. Gray Davis are asking their supporters to intimidate signature gatherers and complain of harassment at stores where recall petitions are circulating, stepping up the … Continue reading “Gestapo tactics in the streets of California”

Sad-sack Governor Gray Davis hopes he can intimidate the voters into letting him stay in power to further fatten special interest bellies:

Sacramento — Opponents of the move to recall Gov. Gray Davis are asking their supporters to intimidate signature gatherers and complain of harassment at stores where recall petitions are circulating, stepping up the political battle taking place in front of Wal-Marts and Home Depots across California.

In an e-mail message and Internet posting titled “How to Advocate Against the Recall,” Davis supporters were told, “It is OK to stand in front of their table or approach potential signers before they do, or otherwise inhibit their activity.” The memo instructs people to say they are “offended by being harassed” and file complaints with managers of stores.

“Remember, the longer you engage them, the fewer signatures they can collect,” said the memo distributed by Taxpayers Against the Governor’s Recall, a union-funded group. The memo also includes a telephone hot line to report the location of recall petition circulators.

There are no limits to the venality of Gray Davis and his buddies in the Prison Guards Union.

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