Will Davis resign?

A fellow named Dan Weintraub who writes a column for the Sacramento Bee and who has a blog named after Greg Lucas’ much-missed Sunday column in the Frisco Chronicle, California Insider, thinks Davis may resign: Knowing Davis as I do, I never thought I would say this, but today, for the first time, I started … Continue reading “Will Davis resign?”

A fellow named Dan Weintraub who writes a column for the Sacramento Bee and who has a blog named after Greg Lucas’ much-missed Sunday column in the Frisco Chronicle, California Insider, thinks Davis may resign:

Knowing Davis as I do, I never thought I would say this, but today, for the first time, I started to think that it is possible he might resign before the election.

Weintraub was last seen breaking the story of Arnie’s decision not to run, based on inside sources, so you can take this for what it’s worth. Davis is the most stubborn man in California politics, and he won’t resign until he’s convinced that his prospects are hopeless, not just for the recall but for a career in politics beyond the recall. I don’t expect a decision on this until after Labor Day, but at that point, anything can happen. No inside sources, just simple guesswork.