Joke candidate Huffington pays no taxes

The LA Times has a yummy liittle story on cult member Arianna Huffington’s tax returns, including some interesting charitable donations: …They also include payments of $6,675 to the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness and a related foundation. The church, founded by John-Roger, describes itself as designed to “teach Soul Transcendence, which is … Continue reading “Joke candidate Huffington pays no taxes”

The LA Times has a yummy liittle story on cult member Arianna Huffington’s tax returns, including some interesting charitable donations:

…They also include payments of $6,675 to the Church of the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness and a related foundation.

The church, founded by John-Roger, describes itself as designed to “teach Soul Transcendence, which is becoming aware of yourself as a Soul and as one with God, not as a theory but as a living reality.”

“I’ve been involved with John-Roger and the church for many years now,” Huffington said. “He’s a good friend, and I’ve gotten a lot of value from the work he has done.”

Those of us who pay taxes in California are supporting Arianna’s guru through her tax breaks. Are we enlightened yet?

UPDATE: The main reason Arianna doesn’t pay income tax is that most of her income is child support, which is tax-exempt to the recipient. I don’t have the figures on her award, but it’s probably in the neighborhood of $20,000 per month.

5 thoughts on “Joke candidate Huffington pays no taxes”

  1. Pingback: Misanthropyst
  2. Arianna is free to support any cult she wants out of her own pocket, but I’d just as soon not help her out. And let’s not confuse cults with religions, alright?

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