Scripted debate roil

At the Cal Recall debate held in LA Wednesday among candidates Bustamante, McClintock, and Camejo (with joke candidate Arianna along for laughs), candidates agreed that Arnie’s refusal to participate in anything but a scripted debate was a weak spot, so they pretty well piled-on the poor old boy. Now they’re collaborating on a joint letter … Continue reading “Scripted debate roil”

At the Cal Recall debate held in LA Wednesday among candidates Bustamante, McClintock, and Camejo (with joke candidate Arianna along for laughs), candidates agreed that Arnie’s refusal to participate in anything but a scripted debate was a weak spot, so they pretty well piled-on the poor old boy. Now they’re collaborating on a joint letter of boycott:

LOS ANGELES (AP) – Arnold Schwarzenegger’s top gubernatorial opponents on Thursday considered threatening to boycott the one debate that will include Schwarzenegger unless organizers switched to an unscripted format.

As it stands, only Davis and Arnie would be in the debate, to be held in Sacramento by the Cal Broadcasters’ Assn.

Blogger Dan Weintraub suggested the scripted format, and he’s naturally defensive about the boycott threats. He’s already been bashed by Mickey Kaus for making things too easy, and when Bustamante agrees, that pretty well nails it.

Prediction: The scripted debate will happen, and they’ll all show up except Bustamante, who doesn’t need the free TV time and doesn’t want to appear on a stage with Gray. If McClintock goes along with him, he’s dumber than he looks. Debating is McClintock’s strength, and it’s Bustamante’s weakness.

2 thoughts on “Scripted debate roil”

  1. So is it correct that two weeks ago Schwarzenegger’s clan requested debate format with questions NOT known beforehand ? And so debate organizers did that, and now Arnie’s group says they won’t participate unless they have the questions beforehand ? Is that correct ? Or am I wrong ?

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