Boycott Watchblog

Last August, I joined Watchblog, a group blog put together by left-winger Cameron Barrett that was supposed to represent the two major points of view on the 2004 election, and put out a call for other moderates and conservatives to join up. I was warned that Barrett’s politics are pretty extreme, but I decided “hey, … Continue reading “Boycott Watchblog”

Last August, I joined Watchblog, a group blog put together by left-winger Cameron Barrett that was supposed to represent the two major points of view on the 2004 election, and put out a call for other moderates and conservatives to join up. I was warned that Barrett’s politics are pretty extreme, but I decided “hey, what’s the worst thing that could happen?” and did it anyway. So I’ve just found out what can happen.

Barrett morphed the blog into a tri-partisan effort and then ran off to join the Wesley Clark campaign as captive blogger (no doubt thanks to his freshly-minted political credentials) and left the keys to the Watchblog in the hands of fairly loopy Green Party weirdo named David Remer. Remer promptly kicked one of the regular Republicans off the blog, and when the other two complained about it, he kicked us off too. That left him with no Republican voices so he started a stealth campaign to back-fill the blog, making no public announcement of the massacre. My posts are still up on the blog, and you would get the impression that I’m still posting there and that I endorse it.

Well, I’m not and I don’t. I’ve asked for my posts to be removed, and I want to encourage Republicans to boycott Watchblog. The basic setup is to give two-thirds of the space to a group of Republican-haters who post as both Democrats and Third Party (that means “Green Party” really) members, so they can drown out the Republicans with the same stuff. This is no way to run a group blog, a political blog, or any other kind of blog that claims to offer a fair and balanced perspective.

Friends don’t let friends support Watchblog.

BTW, it’s kind of interesting in a coincidental way that the Clark campaign has fallen prey to the same kind of heavy-handedness that’s destroyed Watchblog. Just a coincidence, I’m sure.

5 thoughts on “Boycott Watchblog”

  1. A not unexpected outcome, I’m afraid. There’s a tinge of hysteria and neurotic drive to the Left’s actions these days. Not amendable to rational discourse.

  2. It looks like they took your posts down. Pretty soon, they’re going to be left with hardly any posts at all, and the Republican blog may become the strawman that some were suspecting it already was.

  3. Well I should have known better as well. If the left in this country had thier way, we would be labeled as fascists and be jailed for “hate” speech. When you bring up undeniable truths on Watchblog they stifle and gang up on you….eventually they boot you off for no other reason than the fact that they disagree with you.
    Bunch of washed-up, unemployed Liberal elitists with an axe to grind, usually they grind that axe
    directly on top of your head.
    At least I have one thing that brings me solace…every one of them hated me with a passion and I drove them positively NUTTY!

  4. Was a regular reader and sometimes “commenter” on Watchblog, but I felt the quality of posts were uneven and the quality of comments were mostly awful. Some posts shouldn’t even have been there in the first place, let alone the reactionary commentary that accompanied it.

    A good idea gone bad in practice.

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