The Dean Cult

Dean supporter Britt Blaser does his best to understand Barkin’ Howard’s Iowa Meltdown, and gets pretty close to the truth: I honestly don’t know what to make of this, but here’s my instinct. People who are outside the Internet religion resent we who have it and want to peddle it to them. Frankly, our orange … Continue reading “The Dean Cult”

Dean supporter Britt Blaser does his best to understand Barkin’ Howard’s Iowa Meltdown, and gets pretty close to the truth:

I honestly don’t know what to make of this, but here’s my instinct. People who are outside the Internet religion resent we who have it and want to peddle it to them. Frankly, our orange hats may have worked against us, making the conversation about our movement, not Iowans’ interests. Kids brimming with enthusiasm and inexperience can seem irrelevant to graybeards like me and the many people I know in Iowa.

Let’s go the rest of the way: a vote for Dean is not a statement of political preference, it’s a membership application to a suicide cult, and most Democrats don’t want to go there. As time passes and the Bush Doctrine proves to be a winning strategy in the Middle East, Democrats are increasingly uncomfortable talking about Iraq, so they want candidates who will change the subject anytime this painful issue comes up. It doesn’t matter if they talk about sending our jobs to India, free drugs for the poor, better job security for the teachers’ union, or lower postage stamp prices. Democrats want to elect ABB (anybody but Bush) and their preferred candidate talks about ABI (anything but Iraq).

Every time Dean opens his mouth, he picks at the scab and annoys people.

Link via Doc Searls.

One thought on “The Dean Cult”

  1. Richard: Stop beating a dead horse. The guy doesn’t have a chance. The other Democrats did a pretty good job of taking him out, and then Dean cut his own throat by acting irrationally. Still, the President better have something really good to offer the middle class this year, or he’s finished, as well. Regards: Mike

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