The bankrupt campaign

Just when you think that things couldn’t possibly get worse for Howard Dean, his campaign pulls Super Tuesday ads because it’s broke: Jan. 29, 2004 | Joe Trippi, the iconic architect of Howard Dean’s Internet-driven campaign, is gone. And so are the millions of dollars that Dean raised from legions of grass-roots supporters over the … Continue reading “The bankrupt campaign”

Just when you think that things couldn’t possibly get worse for Howard Dean, his campaign pulls Super Tuesday ads because it’s broke:

Jan. 29, 2004 | Joe Trippi, the iconic architect of Howard Dean’s Internet-driven campaign, is gone. And so are the millions of dollars that Dean raised from legions of grass-roots supporters over the last year.

Following defeats in Iowa and New Hampshire, and less than a week away from a make-or-break series of Democratic primary election contests, Trippi on Wednesday quit the Dean campaign after being offered a lesser position. At the same time, Dean announced that his high-flying campaign is broke, and he announced to workers that their paychecks will be suspended for two weeks because of a multimillion-dollar debt.

What a sad end this is to Dean’s campaign, his movement, and his political career.

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