Gary LaMusga’s struggle

Here’s an excellent article by Glenn Sacks on the LaMusga case, highlighting the struggle that Gary has undergone to be a father to his children: According to the court testimony of her son?s kindergarten teacher, the boy told the teacher that “my dad lies in court…if you tell the judge…he could talk to you.” That?s … Continue reading “Gary LaMusga’s struggle”

Here’s an excellent article by Glenn Sacks on the LaMusga case, highlighting the struggle that Gary has undergone to be a father to his children:

According to the court testimony of her son?s kindergarten teacher, the boy told the teacher that “my dad lies in court…if you tell the judge…he could talk to you.” That?s funny because my daughter is in kindergarten right now and she?s the smartest little girl in the world but I can?t quite imagine her coming up with ideas like that on her own. Who could have put these ideas into Gary LaMusga?s five year old son?s head?

According to the testimony of the kindergarten teacher, she asked the boy this and the boy said that his mom told him these things. The same mother who has worked so hard to foster the relationship between her sons and their father.

The teacher also testified: “He spoke to me with a similar conversation…I finally sat down with him and told him that it was OK for him to love his daddy. I basically gave him permission to love his father. And he seemed brightened by that.”

Gee, like it?s a revelation–he can love his dad, too! Mom never allowed him to do that!

The teacher continued: “The next day that Gary had seen the kids he came to me the following morning and said ,?what did you say to him?…He was so happy. He just greeted me with open arms…we had one of the best evenings that we have had in a long time.? ”

This kind of behavior is so common it has a clinical name: parental alienation.

The kindergarten teacher’s testimony by itself should have been grounds for a change of custody from mom to dad, but in our bizarre legal system, it’s just barely enough to allow dad to spend tens of thousands of dollars on the outside chance that he can prevent his children from being carted off 2400 miles away to an area where mom can live comfortably off the child support without working, pushing this poison without interference.

BTW, Glenn Sacks has an interesting guest on his show Sunday, the obnoxious advice columnist and erstwhile blogger Amy Alkon. It’s my opinion that Alkon is a man-hater, but her friends say she’s an equal opportunity hater, down on children and feminists as well; if that’s the case, she’s at least got one thing right.

UPDATE: Alkon defends herself in the comments. The defense sounds good, but what has she got against baseball?

12 thoughts on “Gary LaMusga’s struggle”


    Every woman who disagrees with you on an issue isn’t a man-hater. Are you truly that tender-headed, or is it just something you put out there for comedic effect?

    I am passionately for justice — whether it’s a man or a woman being beaten or being cheated out of what’s fair. I am very passionately for fathers rights, against no-fault divorce and the de facto kidnappings it permits, and against criminals like Sheila Kuhn.

    In fact,I have a contact who books guests at Oprah, which I give to NO ONE, but I called up Matt Welch and offered him the bookers name and number, because he wrote that incredible piece in Reason about men being turned into the “fathers” (read: Human ATMs) for children whose mothers they’d never even slept with; let alone knew — and I want to see that publicized. That link is on my site, too. You can dig that up, and while you’re there, take a look at this:

    Pretty surprising from a man-hating bitch like me, huh?

    Are the shrill, whiny, lie-disseminating victim-feminists really that attractive that men want to emulate them? Or do you just need something to do while you’re not getting laid?

  2. Yes, yes, yes, you’re a champion of social justice for all. But why do you hate baseball, the manliest of all manly pursuits?

    That’s the real question.

  3. I don’t hate it; I’m just not interested in it, so I’d rather read Matt Welch on other topics. He kind of misquoted me and corrected it within the particular blog posting.

  4. Matt’s baseball writing is his best stuff, so when you urge him to stop writing about baseball, you’re asking him to deny the best part of himself. This is typical “I have to change you” behavior.

    Where baseball is concerned, you’re either with us or with the terrorists; there is no middle ground.

  5. Oh, I’m very fond of all Matt’s writing…and after reading the very funny remark you made above, I’m starting to have a thing for yours, too.

  6. OK, I take it back. You’re an evil, narcissistic, man-hating harpy and always will be.

    Now go buy some new shoes and leave me alone before I give you a spanking.


    I recently sent a Press Release to Amy Alkon who writes a
    syndicated column called “Advice Goddess” and got a
    diatribe about our company on her website.

    Here are some of her nasty comments. For complete text
    see at

    The following statements you made about me and our
    company, Sew Beautiful, ( on
    your Blog are libelous and they are false. You have no
    basis for making these remarks.

    Amy wrote..

    “I especially love your argument that your customers like
    it. I’m sure the guy who gets a stolen TV really cheaply
    from a fence is thrilled as well.

    “DOES Chanel really know what you’re doing? I doubt it.”
    “I’m loath to believe anything you say”

    “…there’s much you’re doing that’s illegal”
    “Your rationalization of it is absolutely disgusting”
    “Clearly, you are utterly unconcerned with much but
    making a profit.”

    “Your business practices make me retch, and your
    disrespect for others’ creative work and intellectual
    property is creepy.”

    “Hey, there were lots of Nazis in WWII. Doesn’t make it
    right to murder Jews, homosexuals, and gypsies.
    “Everybody’s doing it” doesn’t make it moral. What’s so
    disturbing is the energy you put into defending your
    taking the work of others and profiting from it. All of the
    above knockoff artists sicken me. It’s wrong to profit from
    work that is not yours — whether or not there’s some hole
    in the fence of the law that permits you to sneak through
    and do it.”

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