Kerry’s Sister Souljah moment?

A number of blogs (Kausfiles, Michelle Malkin) say that largely invisible Democratic Party candidate John Kerry had his Sister Souljah moment at the convention of a racialist group in Phoenix: Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry talked up pro-Hispanic immigration reforms when he was in Phoenix earlier this week at annual meetings of the National Council … Continue reading “Kerry’s Sister Souljah moment?”

A number of blogs (Kausfiles, Michelle Malkin) say that largely invisible Democratic Party candidate John Kerry had his Sister Souljah moment at the convention of a racialist group in Phoenix:

Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry talked up pro-Hispanic immigration reforms when he was in Phoenix earlier this week at annual meetings of the National Council of La Raza.

But the Massachusetts senator also told Spanish language media outlet Telemundo that he opposes giving driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants.

Kerry told Telemundo that obtaining driver’s licenses is something that is for legal residents of the U.S.

This is somewhat distinct from Clinton’s original moment in that Kerry didn’t have the balls to make the driver’s license remarks directly to the convention, choosing the back-door route instead.

About all I get from this is Kerry’s attempting to keep the voters informed that he’s still breathing, a matter that has been the focus of some debate recently.