5 thoughts on “How many shells in a “stockpile?””

  1. Quoting “Faux” News quoters?

    Geez, Richard, meanwhile, your Preznit STILL seems AWOL, the 9/11 commission’s been dubunked already by Labor MP’s who point out that Pakistan ISI funded Osama, and, as David Corn and others point out, the average reader of the 9/11 report can’t but get the feeling that the Bush junta screwed the pooch on 9/11.

    Now, WMD’s as I’ve said before are strategic weapons, and as the 9/11 report found there was no basis for the invasion of Iraq– no collaboration between al Qaeda and Iraq.

    I know, you vacilate between denial and rage, but don’t worry, soon you’ll be bargaining, and eventually you’ll accept that conservatism screwed this country.

  2. ROTFLAMO! From your “source”

    I didn’t find an article on it even on FoxNews. Which sort of doesn’t surprise me. There’s a reason the Fox higher-ups have to issue specific directives to their employees regarding how to cover news in a fashion which isn’t full of knee-jerk partisan liberal bias– because the dirty little secret is that FoxNews, like most other media organizations, is staffed almost entirely by liberals.

    That’s pure paranoia, pal. And this is the source of your wisdom on geopolitics?

    The “news” that Fox puts out is slanted to the right- even Bill O’Lielly admits it.

  3. John, how many mouths do you have? You sure seem to talk out of the sides of all of them. Bitching about Labour MPs debunking the 9/11 report, yet quoting it as an authority on Iraq-AQ. So who’s screwing the pooch?

    I know you won’t bother to answer, Johnnie, but you really do need to tighten up your arguments. It’s either debunked and bullshit, or Bush screwed the pooch. Pick one.

    PS This guy’s an engineer on what, exactly? I sincerely hope it’s nothing more important than keeping toner in the laserjet, or yall’re screwed.

  4. Actually Charles Duelfer did say that on “Special Report with Brit Hume.”

    I even believe it was up as a news story. Try searching the archives.

    And John, have you been reading NYT headlines a little too much or are you just ignorant to what’s been going on?

    Commissioners on the 9-11 commission admit there was a link between Saddam and Al-Qaida, not an operational link for the 9-11 attacks, meaning Saddam didn’t plan or help carry them out, but they did have linkages…and a good number are cited in the report. Did you read any of the report?

    And where has Bush said they worked together to plan 9-11? I just don’t see how you can be so ignorant as to spin things that far.

  5. At this point it’s fairly apparent that it doesn’t matter how many of what they find. None of it will be good enough.

    They’re full of hate, and they want blood. And they don’t care who they alienate. Period.

    It may put them over the top. It didn’t work for Goldwater, it did work for Nixon, it didn’t work for Dole, it might work for Kerry.

    Politics can be ugly and sometimes sad.

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