Why Kerry is losing this election

Thomas P.M. Barnett explains it all: I know the temptation of appealing to people’s fears during difficult times. I also know of the challenge of the challenger in getting a frightened public to get rid of a powerful leader during uncertain times. But the Dems have made two fatefully bad choices in this election by … Continue reading “Why Kerry is losing this election”

Thomas P.M. Barnett explains it all:

I know the temptation of appealing to people’s fears during difficult times. I also know of the challenge of the challenger in getting a frightened public to get rid of a powerful leader during uncertain times. But the Dems have made two fatefully bad choices in this election by choosing to focus on tactics (kill terrorists) and operations (defend America) instead of real strategy (beat the enemy to the finish line). They have selected downer subjects, where Kerry’s sophisticated understanding of things actually works against him, leaving Bush to exploit the high ground, where his simplistic-yet-very-sincere delivery works like a charm.

And this guy’s a Democrat.

H/t the Shark.