Finally the truth comes out

The endless drooling about Jesusland and hacked voting machines is drowning out any discussion of the real trick used by the Evil Republicans to steal this election from the rightful candidate of the Good Hair Party, namely, psychic mind-control rays. Here’s a first-person account from a Sensitive: Ok, I can understand the restlessness I’ve been … Continue reading “Finally the truth comes out”

The endless drooling about Jesusland and hacked voting machines is drowning out any discussion of the real trick used by the Evil Republicans to steal this election from the rightful candidate of the Good Hair Party, namely, psychic mind-control rays. Here’s a first-person account from a Sensitive:

Ok, I can understand the restlessness I’ve been feeling since yesterday. There’s a lot riding on this election, and passions are running high on both sides, so naturally eceryone and their naked brother who has an ounce of Power and no clue about Shielding is leaking energy like a hair dryer in a bathtub. So it’s Shields Up for me, but I’m still getting enough bleedover to make me jittery and a little manic if I don’t concentrate. That’s all to be expected.

What wasn’t expected was that once I filtered out all that background noise, I started hearing a calm, resonable, and powerful head-voice saying things like “Kerry doesn’t have the experience we need in these troubled times.” and “Give Bush a chance to make it better.”

Anyone who knows me KNOWS these are not my thoughts!

And besides, I voted last week. No, there’s no way in Hades these are my thoughts.

Gods-damn it! The f*cking Republicans have got Magical help pumping out a clear, unified, focused broadcast, and you can be sure, every sensitive is picking it up. These are the people most likely to vote Kerry, and I’d like to think they are resolute enough not to be swayed by telepathic subliminal advertising, but it’s such a rarely-done thing, and so few people are properly trained these days, that I fear it will be more effective. Just watch and see who says “I was going to vote for Kerry, but for some reason I changed my mind at the last minute.”

There you have it – and a tip of the tin-foil hat to Best O’ The Webs.

7 thoughts on “Finally the truth comes out”

  1. Read this the other day (inexact, from memory):


    They’re going to kill your unborn children.
    They’re going to turn your kids gay.
    They’re going to take your guns away.
    They’re going to take your hard-earned money away.
    They’re going to let the French dictate American security.
    They’re going to make you give up your SUV.
    They’re going to treat insects and trees better than children.
    They’re going to throw open our borders to terrorists.
    They’re going to let the terrorists go free.
    What part of vote for Bush don’t you understand?


    Yeah, it’s nutty, over the top, but after listening for months to Coulter, Hannity, Savage, Limbaugh, O’Reilly on the radio, I think there’s something to it.

  2. Okay, but the thing is, that game can be played both ways.


    They’re going to send your boys to die in a foreign country.
    They’re going to make Christianity the state religion.
    They’re going to put guns in the hands of criminals and kids.
    They’re going to give welfare to the rich.
    They’re going to thumb their noses at the world.
    They’re going to pollute the air and water.
    They’re going to open the National Parks to logging and mining.
    They’re going to spy on you in your bedroom.
    They’re going to jail people without a trial.
    What part of voting for Kerry don’t you understand?

    Both are nutty, over the top as I said. Both USE elements of truth & exploit them. Fear’s the key.

  3. Except for the state religion and bedroom spying parts, this one isn’t nutty either, and the true parts are really, really good, like thumb their noses at France: check; log the national forests: check; etc.

    Welfare for the rich is kinda like one of them two-edged swords: the Californicators decided to give away $6 billion to the evil Big Pharma companies, and they’re mostly Democrats.

    And for some weird reason the Oregon hippies who voted for Kerry also voted to kill all the gay homosexuals, which I can’t really figure out yet.

    Any ideas on that one?

  4. That pretty weird about the folks in Oregon. People are unfathomable sometimes.
    My sister lives in Portland, her husband an out of work, former six figure corporate lawyer. Invested big time in Eron stock, & lost his job all in one fell swoop. After two years unemployment (involuntary retirement my sister calls it), he’s gone from staunch Republican to confused semi-Democrat. Good that he was humbled (for years very arrogant, & talk about smug–Haaavard grad), but now he’s confused, perhaps bitter–who’s knows where he’ll end up politically. My sister is a kind hearted, Trinity University English major, worried about the war, discrimination. She’s going to be a school teacher (since hubby won’t work) & told me she’s afraid of the emphasis on testing instead of teaching, thinks science classes will have to soon include creationism (I told her they call it “intelligent design” these days), etc.
    I remember your sister—wasn’t she very very Left–her husband a Marxist?

  5. Yes, she’s a liberation theology nut – the Christian Left – and a lawyer who writes Star Trek porn.

    That creationism crap is all over the place, even in Wisconsin, so it makes a certain amount of sense to cover it in school so they can blow it the hell up.

    These damn Christians really annoy me.

  6. Yep, I’ve sold hundreds of the Left Behind series at the book store where I work. That stuff’s downright bizarre.

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