Fits of Laughter

Marc Cooper reports that Hugo Chavez will receive the presigious Ghadafy Human Rights Award for his efforts in media censorship: Venezuelan con man, Bolivarian Revolutionary, Great-Thinker and sitting President Hugo Chavez has just returned home from a tour of showcase democratic countries including Cuba, Iran and Libya. Chavez dropped in on Colonel Ghadafy, by the … Continue reading “Fits of Laughter”

Marc Cooper reports that Hugo Chavez will receive the presigious Ghadafy Human Rights Award for his efforts in media censorship:

Venezuelan con man, Bolivarian Revolutionary, Great-Thinker and sitting President Hugo Chavez has just returned home from a tour of showcase democratic countries including Cuba, Iran and Libya. Chavez dropped in on Colonel Ghadafy, by the way, to pick up his prize as this year?s winner of the Ghadafy Human Rights Award. No, I?m not making this up. Seems that Chavez had to rush home to enact a new press censorship law. This one?s no laughing matter?drawing a rebuke from Reporters Without Borders and Human Rights Watch among others. Randy Paul, as usual, has all the dope.

No question that the Bushies don?t like Chavez. Hardly reason, though, for the rest of us to like this clown or, worse, apologize for his continuing thuggish deportment. Nice going, Randy.

Link via Dr. Frank.