Democrat shenanigans get serious

The latest buzz from Sound Politics is that the Seattle election canvas board has given enough of the questionable ballots to their candidate Gregoire to overturn the two previous counts and give the election to the annointed Democrat. Democrats in the Seattle media are circling their wagons around the canvassing board and declaring their critics … Continue reading “Democrat shenanigans get serious”

The latest buzz from Sound Politics is that the Seattle election canvas board has given enough of the questionable ballots to their candidate Gregoire to overturn the two previous counts and give the election to the annointed Democrat. Democrats in the Seattle media are circling their wagons around the canvassing board and declaring their critics insane.

I sincerely hope that Sen. Rossi takes his beef to the courts, insisting on a uniform statewide recount procedure, rejection of all ballots that weren’t properly secured, and an independent rview of the King County board’s decisions.

You don’t swing an election from 261 votes in favor of one candidate to 150 in favor of the other without some shenanigans.

4 thoughts on “Democrat shenanigans get serious”

  1. We already know the shenanigans: Republicans didn’t want legitimate votes counted.

    Which is not surprising, given their traditional support of dictatorships and death squads.

  2. Democrats in King County refused to count 91 legitimate military absentee ballots, John. All ballots statewide need to be judged by a uniform, consistent, and well-understood standard, and the Democratic Washington Supreme Court has prevented that.

  3. Actually, no, they weren’t. The state Supreme Court allowed King County to harvest additional votes for the Democrat while the other counties performed the simple re-tabulation specified by state law. We want every vote to count, so the other counties now need to harvest all the votes their imaginations will allow as well.

    Fair is fair.

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