Freedom on the march in Lebanon

Groups that battled each other during the civil war (see a rundown of Syrian ethnic factions for lowdown on Shia, Sunni, Druze, Maronite, and Orthodox Christians) are now united against the Syrian occupiers in Lebanon: After meeting on Friday in a Beirut hotel, they urged the Lebanese people to back a peaceful “independence uprising” – … Continue reading “Freedom on the march in Lebanon”

Groups that battled each other during the civil war (see a rundown of Syrian ethnic factions for lowdown on Shia, Sunni, Druze, Maronite, and Orthodox Christians) are now united against the Syrian occupiers in Lebanon:

After meeting on Friday in a Beirut hotel, they urged the Lebanese people to back a peaceful “independence uprising” – using the word intifada in Arabic, the first time they had used the term.

They also called for parliament to suspend all debate unrelated to the assassination until the truth about who killed former prime minister Rafiq al-Hariri emerged.

“This isn’t just the opposition,” Druze leader Walid Jumblatt earlier told reporters. “All the Lebanese are with al-Hariri, a free Lebanon and [a] Syrian withdrawal.”

If this continues, we could see the restoration of democracy in Lebanon without an invasion. The neo-cons are right, freedom is contagious. Next thing we know it will come to Iran, and then the sky’s the limit.

Meanwhile, the American left obsesses over gay prostitutes.

Lebanon link via Instapundit, who’s in the hospital with his woman, poor dear.

One thought on “Freedom on the march in Lebanon”

  1. Bush lied.

    Seriously, this is exhilerating and I believe in the power of freedom and free thought – both as both a raw force of life and an ethical one. But I’m closely monitering my response for signs of unreality.

    Still, I don’t see any reason to not make this momentum roll and proceed as though the forces of freedom are on one.

    I’m trying to rout Leftists, but both the rout and my problem doing it seem to be based on the fact that they don’t understand very much at all.

    Now are the Leftists going to back Syria, or will they rather be content saying, “Bush lied” or that Carl Rove is gay? There has to be some effect of their own confusion upon themselves at some point, I hope, if only to make them weaker or more ripe targets.

    I’m not yet sure exactly what they’ve done to me!

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