Quick’s analysis of the politics

Check out what Daily Pundit says about the parties. He’s got a point. Neither party has a monopoly on either virtue or vice, and they’re both inclined to complacency, arrogance, and corruption if they’re too powerful. We need to restore checks and balances in the legislative branch, and the best way to do that is … Continue reading “Quick’s analysis of the politics”

Check out what Daily Pundit says about the parties.

He’s got a point. Neither party has a monopoly on either virtue or vice, and they’re both inclined to complacency, arrogance, and corruption if they’re too powerful. We need to restore checks and balances in the legislative branch, and the best way to do that is to beef up the Democratic Party.

2 thoughts on “Quick’s analysis of the politics”

  1. I quite agree- especially the point about Dems not having all together on security after 9/11.

    They do seem too spooked by the things- they could have done a better foreign policy at the time, certainly done a better job in outflanking the Repubs in Afghanistan, which, if properly done, would have yielded bin Laden.

    Iraq’s more about peak oil than about terrorism, and frankly, the Dems dropped the ball there too. They could have had a foreign policy distinguished from the Repubs, but too early on echoed the Repubs.

  2. Iraq’s “about” whatever you want it to be about; for me, that’s democracy and human rights.

    If it were “about” oil we wouldn’t be paying 2.19 a gallon for gas.

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