Is Blogistan a white male ghetto?

It’s amazing what a little evidence does to conventional wisdom. This Steven Levy character was whining earlier in the week about the dominance of the evil white man in the blogosphere, and there was lots of cluck-clucking around it, but nobody questioned the premise. Well here’s the The Blogosphere Ecosystem’s Traffic Ranking of top blogs: … Continue reading “Is Blogistan a white male ghetto?”

It’s amazing what a little evidence does to conventional wisdom. This Steven Levy character was whining earlier in the week about the dominance of the evil white man in the blogosphere, and there was lots of cluck-clucking around it, but nobody questioned the premise. Well here’s the The Blogosphere Ecosystem’s Traffic Ranking of top blogs:

1) Daily Kos 326004 visits/day (3)
2) Gizmodo 175938 visits/day (100)
3) 160929 visits/day (1)
4) Gawker 146854 visits/day (129)
5) Defamer 143443 visits/day (397)
6) lgf: don’t panic right away 95297 visits/day (2)
7) Eschaton 87070 visits/day (7)
8) Power Line 61442 visits/day (4)
9) Wankette 56427 visits/day (37)
10) Michelle Malkin 38947 visits/day (5)

It looks to me like three or four are white male enterprises: Instapundit, LGF, Power Line, and maybe Gizmodo. Four are owned by homosexual foreigner Nick Denton (Gizmodo, Gawker, Defamer, and Wankette), the top one by a Greek-Hispanic, and at least a couple are joint exercises between boys and girls (Eschaton and Kos.)

So the next time somebody wants to play the Oliver Willis game with the blogosphere, check the facts before explaining.

Uh-oh – BBC commits heresy

The Harvard Arts & Sciences faculty better get on the BBC’s case for this piece of gender heresy: New Scientist reports that although men are more likely to be mentally retarded, they are also more likely to be geniuses. Although the average IQ of men and women is equal, men are more frequently found at … Continue reading “Uh-oh – BBC commits heresy”

The Harvard Arts & Sciences faculty better get on the BBC’s case for this piece of gender heresy:

New Scientist reports that although men are more likely to be mentally retarded, they are also more likely to be geniuses.

Although the average IQ of men and women is equal, men are more frequently found at both extremes of intelligence.

This is because, if you have very good intelligence genes on your X chromosome, it pays not to have them muffled by more average genes on another X chromosome.

The gist of the story is that women have more genes than men because the X chromosome is bigger and more varied than the Y. But the two X’s that women have tend to average each other out, hence the higher and narrower female bell curve.

But this isn’t known to most Nigerian dictators, and hence not known to the Harvard faculty.

Estrichen opinion-makers

Cathy’s World pretty much owns the story on the Susan Estrich/Michael Kinsley cat fight over women on the opinion pages, but neither she nor anybody else has commented on the gender balance at California’s second largest daily, the Frisco Chronicle (known as “Comical” in the Bayarea.) When I left California a couple of years ago, … Continue reading “Estrichen opinion-makers”

Cathy’s World pretty much owns the story on the Susan Estrich/Michael Kinsley cat fight over women on the opinion pages, but neither she nor anybody else has commented on the gender balance at California’s second largest daily, the Frisco Chronicle (known as “Comical” in the Bayarea.)

When I left California a couple of years ago, all of the Comical’s opinion columnists were female: Joan Ryan, Stephanie Salter, Debra Saunders, and Ruth Rosen (who was a feminist studies professor to boot.) I see they’re a little more balanced now, with the addition of Ken Garcia and the subtraction of Salter and Rosen.

But nobody in the elite media complained when the Comical’s Op-Ed pages were dominated by people of one sex, so why the hoopla today over a similar situation at the LA Times?

And who do you think reads the Op-Ed section, anyway?

Sinn Fein threatens victim’s sisters

Robert McCartney was murdered by members of Sinn Fein/IRA recently, and his sisters will be spending St. Patrick’s Day with President Bush. The Telegraph reports that the McCartney sisters have been threatened by Sinn Fein/IRA: The sisters of murdered Robert McCartney are on their way to the US for a St Patrick’s Day meeting with … Continue reading “Sinn Fein threatens victim’s sisters”

Robert McCartney was murdered by members of Sinn Fein/IRA recently, and his sisters will be spending St. Patrick’s Day with President Bush. The Telegraph reports that the McCartney sisters have been threatened by Sinn Fein/IRA:

The sisters of murdered Robert McCartney are on their way to the US for a St Patrick’s Day meeting with the president amid threats from Sinn Fein to keep out of politics.

The family and the partner of Mr McCartney fly to America for talks with George W Bush the day after Sinn Fein warned them not to enter politics.

Two Sinn Fein/IRA members are known to have been in the pub at the time of the killing, and neither has come forward with evidence, and now they’re telling the sisters to shut up. Isn’t that odd?

Immediately, Sinn Fein/IRA has tried to spin their threats as something else, but their statement was very clear: they told the sisters not to “cross the line into politics” with their grievance; I heard their man Martin McGuinness say this much on NPR.

We have RICO laws in the US to enable the authorities to deal with intimidation by mafia chieftains of the sort we’re seeing here. Why can’t the Brits simply take these reprehensible scum into custody and hang them like the dogs they are? (After a fair trial, of course.)

Lynch mob active in Cambridge

The politically correct faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard passed a surprise no-confidence vote against Larry Summers last night: Summers’ January remarks — off-the-record, he believed — prompted angry criticism from many faculty, students and alumni; others, however, defended him, saying Summers was simply engaging in a legitimate academic debate. The criticism quickly expanded … Continue reading “Lynch mob active in Cambridge”

The politically correct faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard passed a surprise no-confidence vote against Larry Summers last night:

Summers’ January remarks — off-the-record, he believed — prompted angry criticism from many faculty, students and alumni; others, however, defended him, saying Summers was simply engaging in a legitimate academic debate.

The criticism quickly expanded into a broader attacks on the president’s allegedly blunt management style and his vision for the university, including major projects to expand Harvard’s campus across the Charles River in Boston, and his ideas about what direction scientific research should take.

J. Lorand Matory, the anthropology professor who introduced the measure, called on Summers to resign.

“There is no noble alternative to resignation,” he said.

Dr. Matory, the motion’s author, is an interesting fellow. He’s a student of cross-dressing, a voodoo expert, a director of the ethnic studies department, an adviser to GLQ, a Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, a great admirer of matriarchy, and an apologist for the corrupt and brutal Nigerian dictator Ibrahim Babangida, about whom he’s writing a sympathetic book:

The next book will be a collaborative effort with my wife, a presidential protocol officer during the rule of Nigerian president Ibrahim Babangida. We have planned it as a culturally sensitive account of the inner workings of the dictatorship that ruled Africa’s largest nation from 1985 to 1993. It is intended both as a corrective to standardized journalistic and political science clichés about the nature of autocracy and corruption in Africa and as a historical study of the genesis of Nigeria’s current political crisis.

Here’s what Nigerians say about Matory’s hero:

In closing, as a nation – we are not faced with many choices in who becomes our president. However, ponderability that Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida is not the best choice is simple. If we seek a nation, which produces leaders that must not be emulated or trusted – then we must allow his choice. If we seek a leader who is not ashamed to live opulently in a grand house where citizens of the nation he governed are reduced to abject poverty – Mr. Babangida must remain our choice. If we seek a commander-in-chief that will once again destroy the team spirit essential to every modern military might – Mr. Babangida must be our choice. If the office of the president is open to a man that would waste funds on political experimentation – our choice must remain Mr. Babangida. If we seek to experience closure of Universities and accelerate brain drain – Mr. Babangida is our choice. However, if our resolute is for a change of direction – we should seek Mr. Babangida to assist the nation to elect a man or woman without his qualities; and one to whom he can serve as an elder statesman or maybe – Kingmaker. And, whilst serving as a Kingmaker – he must promise never to conduct himself as another Balogun of Owu.

What kind of a man supports the presidency of Babangida but not that of Summers?

Not anyone that I’d want educating my children.

UPDATE: Not all Harvard profs are as lame as Dr. VooDoo; see Professor Motl’s blog.

Clockwork quota system

About every six months, some genius determines the blogosphere isn’t as diverse as it should be and proposes some sort of quota system. The current offender is some dude named Steven Levy who writes for Newsweek. Jeff Jarvis and about half the known blogosphere take him to task. There are a couple of interesting variations … Continue reading “Clockwork quota system”

About every six months, some genius determines the blogosphere isn’t as diverse as it should be and proposes some sort of quota system. The current offender is some dude named Steven Levy who writes for Newsweek. Jeff Jarvis and about half the known blogosphere take him to task.

There are a couple of interesting variations on the meme this time around: Levy doesn’t complain about a dearth of gay bloggers, presumably because Andrew Sullivan and the Denton empire make that charge a non-starter, nor does he mention non-American bloggers for similar reasons.

Halley Suitt jumps aboard, acting surprised, but she’s been pushing this female-bloggers-rule thing for a while, so it’s pretty disingenuous, and Chris Nolan does some explaining.

As I’ve said before, racial and gender quotas are a non-issue in the blogosphere because we generally don’t care about such trivial attributes as race and gender. If you’re smart, insightful, witty, or industrious you’ll be read. You may even be read if you’re none of these things but you can get people excited by appealing to their fears, their libidinous impulses, or their aspirations. But we’re not going to read you just because you have some invisible biological characteristics that aren’t germane to the quality of your thought.

To those who’d rather see more diverse sources of a certain one-dimensional point of view (diversity in Newsweek terms means liberals of all colors and sexes), the blogosphere isn’t for you. If you care about smart and interesting points of view, come on down.

Levy, thanks for playing the Oliver Willis game, now go home.

Crushing civil liberties

I always giggle at the complaints our traditional civil libertarians make about the PATRIOT Act because any abuse of essential rights and freedoms in the name of anti-terrorism pales in comparison with the things our government has been doing for twenty years in the name of child support collection. Every month each bank, public utility, … Continue reading “Crushing civil liberties”

I always giggle at the complaints our traditional civil libertarians make about the PATRIOT Act because any abuse of essential rights and freedoms in the name of anti-terrorism pales in comparison with the things our government has been doing for twenty years in the name of child support collection.

Every month each bank, public utility, and state employment commissions has its records searched for names matching a deadbeat dads database; child support levels are set ex parte some 40% of the time, with no provision for correction; arrearages pile up if the dad loses his job or has to take a lower paying one (like our reservist soldiers in Iraq) and the law forbids correction of provable errors. That’s right, the so-called Bradley Amendment forbids courts from correcting injustices in child support matters no matter how thoroughly they can be proved.

Radley Balko has stumbled onto the issue thanks to an excellent column by Phyllis Schlafly,which Matt Welch posts to the restricted-comment Hit and Run board.

The child support collection system is a nightmare created by some people who had good intentions and some who didn’t. It’s a perfect example of why we need a meaningful dialectic in Washington, because more or less all of it was passed without debate.

The horrendous abuses contained within this system are the main reason I support Republican politicians and people like Schlafly even though they have weird ideas about evolution and the planet. The alternative is just too vile and hateful for me to countenance.

Schlafly’s column is unusual because it gets all the main issues and gets them right. It’s well worth reading:

Although there are no official statistics, estimates are that more than 100,000 fathers are jailed each year for missing their child-support payments. Another perverse feature of the current system is that child-support payments have nothing to do with whether the father is allowed to see his children and there is no enforcement of his visitation rights.

Debtors’ prisons were common in colonial times, but they were abolished by the new United States government, one of the great improvements we made on English law. Then we adopted bankruptcy laws to allow people a fresh start when they are overwhelmed by debt, but child-support debts are not permitted to be discharged in bankruptcy.

The federal Bradley Amendment, named for the liberal Senator Bill Bradley, takes us back to the cruel days of debtors’ prisons. It requires that a child-support debt cannot be retroactively reduced or forgiven, and the states enforce this law no matter what the change in a father’s income, no matter if he is sent to war or locked up in prison, no matter if he is unemployed or hospitalized or even dead, no matter if DNA proves the guy is not the father, and no matter if he is never allowed to see his children.

Charles Dickens famously said, “The law is an ass.”

This issue is not completely foreign to Democrats. When I lobbied the California legislature, two of my best allies (Sen. Charles Calderon and Assemblyman Rod Wright) were Democrats, but their efforts were frustrated by members of their party, primarily the infamous Sheila (Zelda Gilroy) Kuehl.

When Democrats start to address the injustices in this system, I’ll reconsider my party membership, but I’m not holding my breath. It’s been screwed up for 20 years and it just keeps getting worse.

How much would you pay?

The question for the day is how much an real aquarium fanatic would pay for a hand-crafted teak stand and hood like this one. I’m wondering if there’s a business in making them.

The question for the day is how much an real aquarium fanatic would pay for a hand-crafted teak stand and hood like this one. I’m wondering if there’s a business in making them.

IRA gets weirder and weirder

Bill Quick has an amazing story about the stupidity of the IRA: Now, the arrogance and brutality of the IRA’s ‘hard men’ is looking to precipitate the greatest decline in SF’s fortunes in recent years. After an altercation in a Belfast pub on January 30th, 33 year-old Robert McCartney was beaten and stabbed to death. … Continue reading “IRA gets weirder and weirder”

Bill Quick has an amazing story about the stupidity of the IRA:

Now, the arrogance and brutality of the IRA’s ‘hard men’ is looking to precipitate the greatest decline in SF’s fortunes in recent years. After an altercation in a Belfast pub on January 30th, 33 year-old Robert McCartney was beaten and stabbed to death. It soon became common knowledge that the murder had been carried out by a group of IRA hoodlums. Of course, there was initial denial, and then a bit of face-saving as Sinn Fein/IRA claimed to have expelled three of its members. That didn’t satisfy anyone – being booted out of an illegal mafia/terrorist organisation hardly meets the demands of justice. Now, in what is quite possibly the most bone-headed bit of PR idiocy I have ever seen, the IRA has extended the McCartney family an extraordinary offer: how about we shoot the guys responsible, and we’ll say no more? This has led to a huge furore of condemnation, as well it should, and Sinn Fein/IRA’s prospects of rejoining the power-sharing arrangement of the Peace Accords look to be postponed indefinitely.

The IRA should be opposed for Darwinian reasons, if not for brutality.