Marginalizing stupid

John Cole observes moonbats on the Huffy-puffy blog: And there you have the far left in a nutshell: smug, condescending, deceitful, paranoid, self-congratulating, in denial and divorced from reality, and wholly uncredible. Some choice the American system has- John Conyers or Pat Robertson. Isn’t there any way to marginalize stupid? Listening to Al Franken broadcasting … Continue reading “Marginalizing stupid”

John Cole observes moonbats on the Huffy-puffy blog:

And there you have the far left in a nutshell: smug, condescending, deceitful, paranoid, self-congratulating, in denial and divorced from reality, and wholly uncredible. Some choice the American system has- John Conyers or Pat Robertson. Isn’t there any way to marginalize stupid?

Listening to Al Franken broadcasting from Portland this morning I observed the same thing. He told lie after lie to a screaming, cheering, applauding audience as willing to be deceived as the Scientology membership or the voters in Nazi Germany.

Did you know that Franken invented left-wing radio? That’s what he claimed, despite the fact that Pacifica, NPR, and stations like KGO were with us long before Air America got Clear Channel into that game. He must have invented the Internet too. And did you know that there’s no legitimate constitutional question about the Social Security Act, which was only approved by the Supreme Court by a 5-4 margin after court-packing? That’s what he said. Or that we wouldn’t have minimum wage laws without it? Even in a state with its own minimum wage set higher than the federal standard the audience ate this up.

The political dialog that matters in this country – the one that engages the largest number of voters – is almost wholly divorced from the facts. That’s a problem.

Incidentally, somebody could do a whole blog just covering the lies Al Franken, the failed comedian, tells every morning to his retarded audience but I don’t get paid enough to do it myself. Maybe a tag-team approach would work.

4 thoughts on “Marginalizing stupid”

  1. But seriously; the Social Security Act is pretty much settled law.

    About left-wing radio: it can be said, I think rightly, that Air America invented commercial a left-wing radio network for non-subscribed bands. Satellite of course had it first for commerical networks.

    And Pacifica never gave a damn about business models. Still doesn’t.

    NPR? They invented yuppie radio. Any station with Cokie Roberts on it can hardly be called “left wing.” OK, they have what’s-her-name on Fresh Air, but I’d hardly call Click and Clack, and “This Sumptuous Table” fare to help the proletariat storm the barricades.

    To the extent that NPR is leftist, I guess some stations do air “Democracy Now,” but none in any areas I know of.

    NPR’s most amusing right-wing moment of late was their “outrage” at bloggers who looked at the blacked out sections report on the Italian journalist car attack in Iraq. Which those dummies posted on their website. And which contained no real secret information, just relatively embarassing information. And which was also posted by the Italian media.

    Left wing my butt.

  2. For every audience there is an idealogue ready to milk it, wouldn’t you say?

    Interesting relationship between social security and minimum wage. That sounds like ‘socialism by any other name’ theory, way to go, Franken!

  3. The head of NPR acknowledges they have a left-wing bias, John, and has pledged to make the network more balanced. So your defending the network against that obvious observation doesn’t hold any water.

    And while the Social Security Act may be settled law – as much as any 5-4 decision can be – the charge that those who agree with the 4-vote minority are ‘extremists’ is clearly false.

    KGO and many other stations in this country have offered left-wing talk on a commercial basis for a very long time. Air America invented nothing except the use of failed comedians to staff a radio network.

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