Lies of the religious Left

We always hear that the religious Right is a great demon bent on lying and destroying our world, but what about the equally fanatic religious Left, that shapeless army of Buddhists, Christians, and observant Atheists who make up their own reality from moment to moment? One of their house organs is Sojourners Magazine, the source … Continue reading “Lies of the religious Left”

We always hear that the religious Right is a great demon bent on lying and destroying our world, but what about the equally fanatic religious Left, that shapeless army of Buddhists, Christians, and observant Atheists who make up their own reality from moment to moment? One of their house organs is Sojourners Magazine, the source of a a big fat lie about abortion:

Politicians from Hillary Clinton and John Kerry to Howard Dean have recently contended that abortions have increased since George W. Bush took office in 2001.

This claim is false. It’s based on an an opinion piece that used data from only 16 states. A study by the Alan Guttmacher Institute of 43 states found that abortions have actually decreased. Update, May 26: The author of the original claim now concedes that the Guttmacher study is “significantly better” than his own.

Oops – busted.

But lying about abortion and Bush isn’t as bad as excusing the Tienanmen Square massacre, is it?

4 thoughts on “Lies of the religious Left”

  1. Now you’re excusing the Tiananmen Square massacre?!!?!

    How could you?

    I happen to know peole who suffered greatly in that, and for you to make light of that is simply outrageous.

    However, it’s not surprising- you, after all, supported the folks who kow-towed to them: the Bushes.

  2. I’m pretty sure George W. Bush didn’t kill anybody at Tienanmen Square, John. According to your blog it was a Commie deal.

  3. But you supported the massacre, didn’t you? Or are you changing your story now?

    Anyway, your “logic” aside, I’m preparing a response to this; it turns out that factcheck and whoever you cited are likely both wrong: factcheck’s source can’t be cited because the numbers aren’t statistically significant.


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