Air America steals from the poor

I can’t say I find this very surprising: Air America is being investigated in New York for diverting federal/local funds–possibly “hundreds of thousands of dollars”–meant for inner-city kids and senior into the station’s coffers. It follows the same pattern as VAWA (post below): progressive activists enriching themselves at the expense of the downtrodden. It’s inhumane.

I can’t say I find this very surprising:

Air America is being investigated in New York for diverting federal/local funds–possibly “hundreds of thousands of dollars”–meant for inner-city kids and senior into the station’s coffers.

It follows the same pattern as VAWA (post below): progressive activists enriching themselves at the expense of the downtrodden.

It’s inhumane.

One thought on “Air America steals from the poor”

  1. Richard,

    I agree, it would be inhumane. I think you should provide the context, though, which Michelle left out. The article (The Bronx News) she cites does not say AA is being investigated. It says that Evan Cohen the original chairman is being investigated. The article Michelle cuts and pastes states that fact, as well as that Cohen was kicked out of AA very shortly after it took to the air. The fact of the matter is that most people on the left and right are honorable, but that scoundrels can be found anywhere.

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