The grounds

Bill Maher and others have asked what crime Gray Davis committed such that he has to be recalled. While the law doesn’t specify a “crime”, the petition did have to list grounds: The grounds for the recall are as follows: Gross mismanagement of California Finances by overspending taxpayers? money, threatening public safety by cutting funds … Continue reading “The grounds”

Bill Maher and others have asked what crime Gray Davis committed such that he has to be recalled. While the law doesn’t specify a “crime”, the petition did have to list grounds:

The grounds for the recall are as follows: Gross mismanagement of California Finances by overspending taxpayers? money, threatening public safety by cutting funds to local governments, failing to account for the exorbitant cost of the energy fiasco, and failing in general to deal with the state?s major problems until they get to the crisis stage. California should not have to be known as the state with poor schools, traffic jams, outrageous utility bills, and huge debts….all caused by gross mismanagement.

So there you have it, courtesy of Calblog.

Two million California voters agreed with this.

Incidentally, your best source of political news in California is always Rough and Tumble, although Justene has been doing yeoman duty on the recall.

One thought on “The grounds”

  1. I’m confused.

    Aren’t the things he’s accused of the hallmarks of most Democrat Administrations?

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